Strength Training in MP3 format


I posted on "Ask Cathe" before I realized there is a forum for this.

I use Cathe's strength training DVDs at home during the weekdays and go to the gym on the weekends. However, I am not good at remembering things. So when I go to the gym on the weekends I always wish I had Cathe's DVDs with me to tell me what to do. I'm wondering if Cathe has ever considered making workout audio in MP3 format. If not and will never do that, is there a way to transfer the audio from her DVDs to MP3 player?

Thanks a bunch for any suggestions.
As far as transferring existing DVDs' audio onto an MP3, alas I have no answers for that one; maybe someone else with more tech-savvy than I can weigh in (pardon the pun).

As far as Cathe producing her workouts in MP3 format, I recall reading a post a few months ago in which she said she and her company are discussing bringing in Podcasting as part of her overall production efforts. I'd be surprised if she ISN'T also contemplating MP3-friendly formats as well. I'd suggest putting this question on ice for the next two weeks or so as Cathe & Crew plow through the filming and early post-production of her new workouts, waiting until you see her posting regularly again and posting your question again on the Cathe forums.

Good luck!

I've read that post also. Can hardly wait for that to happen. It will be awhile though.

I agree with Annette, post it again when Cathe is avaiable. I would love to hear more about it.


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-My mother, Mary Cooper-

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