strength training dvds


I am new to Cathe and strength training. Right now I am using different weighted dumbells and resistance tubing. I was wondering if there are any strength training dvds of Cathe's that do not require a barbell. Any at all?
IMHO, you don't really NEED a barbell for any of the strength workouts that I have found so far. The only time I would say a BB would be preferred over DB's is when you are using heavier weights for say a Lower body workout and can't or don't want to lift two heavier DB's. Even then a weighted vest is another option to avoid the BB.

I haven't gotten to the point yet that I need one, but still have all 110 lbs of weights and the bar sitting in the corner. My heaviest DB is 20#'s, and just modify the hand positioning when doing squats and other exercises where Cathe is using a BB and try to keep form as close to hers as possible. Some day when I get to the point where I either have more room to use a BB or get to the point where my DB's aren't cuttin' it anymore, I will change... I still have a long way to go!

Others may disagree, but even Cathe in some of her workouts says that if you want to use DB's instead it is acceptable. I'll be interested to see what others have to say and if they agree with me or not ;)
I've just recently started to use my barbell, after 3.5 years of doing Cathe workouts. I've had it for a while, but never really liked it until I started doing heavier lower body workouts. Pretty much every workout can be done with dumbbells.
I used to do Cathe's workouts without a barbell and there really isn't a problem with that. The difference is each option recruits slightly different muscle fibers.

I personally like how a barbell feels for some exercises but dumbbells actually have an advantage in that they work both sides equally. Barbells can allow the stronger side to take over for the weaker.

It's pretty much what you are comfortable with. SNM has even stated STS can mostly be done with dumbbells (except for perhaps heavy leg work where a squat rack is needed). I don't believe your results would be drastically different.
I used a barbell for lots of moves for a long time but went back to dumbbells because the often unnatural wrist position while using a barbell aggravated both my wrists and elbows. Also, dumbbells mean you can add a few more reps to your weaker side and avoid overcompensating, as is often a problem with a barbell. It's not just you.

thanks for the responses guys. I have been doing the add-ons from teh basic step and body fusion dvd and am ready for more strength training. Do you have any suggestions? I do my elliptical or go running for cardio. I need a dvd that does not require a lot of room b/c my workout space is small. I appreciate any suggestions!
I don't know what your fitness level is, but have you looked at SuperSets/PushPull? Those work outs may be a good next step. They were challenging to me when I first got them, but if you modify where needed and keep at it, you'll be able to keep up.

Others may have other suggestions, but I love those two work outs. They're on the intermediate side, but will definitely take you to the next level, if that's your goal.

I think total body workouts would be best for a beginner because splits can be more intense and require more time devotion. I agree that Supersets & Push Pull are good for anyone to build up to. You may also want to try Power Hour, Muscle Endurance, Muscle Max or Maximum Intensity Strength but it's advised to lighten your weight amount and modify whenever needed if you're new to these programs. There is an intermediate workout, Total Body Sculpting, that uses only dumbbells and a stability ball, but it's just about 30 minutes and you may or may not outgrow it quickly.

Hope this helps some.
I add another suggestion: Pyramid upper and lower body. It's an endurance workout but there's a lot of options and you could try a pyramid up or down to start with. The upper body workout is done with DB only.

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