strength tapes once a week?? and smiley faces!!!



I thought that to get the best results, you should work the muscles three times a week. I have been reading that alot of people are doing the P.S. series - doing each tape once a week. This would mean doing back & biceps one day, legs one day and triceps chest and shoulders on one day(I'm leaving abs out of this for now!!). I am a little confused. If you are better off working three days a week strength training, how will you see good results when you only work that part once a week? I geuss it works well because alot of people like them, but it seems like a contradiction to me.

Also, here is a dumb question, how does everyone get those cute little smiley faces in their posts?!?!?!?

Hi Renee

I can answer the smiley thing for ya

Type : - ) without the spaces

and for a wink ; - )

you can also frow with (.

As far as the strength goes..I used to think you had to do it 3 times a week too! Cathe has retrained me
. Someone with the proper knowledge will pop on with the whys and how it is good for you...but I have changed to doing 1 1/2 full bodys a week with a split routine and if I do a full body in a day...I do 2 a week. It just seems to work and give results.

Thanks Nancy


I am a little confused :( , what does a split routine mean??
And 1 1/2 full bodies???
(thanks for the smiley face thing!!) :0) but how do the cute blue ones show up?
Okay, I got it now!!!!

Took me a while , but I finally figured it out!
splits and 1 1/2 full bodies :O)

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Apr-09-00 AT 08:43AM (EST)</font></center>

Hi Renee..(ya did it

I break up my full body into segments like how Cathe has it split in the Pure Strength series.

Chest Shoulders and Tris on one day

I stick Legs in the middle for my second day

Back and Biceps on the last day

If I have a good week..I can usually get those three done on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday...or close to that
. Then rest a day or two and start over..I try to start again before the end of the week and don't, more than likely, get to finish two full it comes out to 1 1/3-1 2/3 full bodies. You can also do a split routine at the beginning of the week, rest a couple of days and do one full body at the MIS. Or pass on the split and do two full bodies/MIS in your week. It all depends on what your goals are and of course time that you have to put into it.
I like the split the best...seems to work for me...happy lifting

my PS Series rotation

Hi Renee!
My rotation goes like this:

Monday: Chest, Shoulders and triceps

Wednesday: Back, Biceps and Abs

Friday: Chest, Shoulders and Triceps

The following week I start on Monday with Back, Biceps and Abs and keep rotating the tapes. I only do the leg tape once a week, usually on a weekend day, and I only do the standing leg work. I feel like I get enough of a workout on my legs between stepping and kickboxing. Ali

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