Strength Routines?


Does anyone have a strength routine that they would recommend for the gym? Now that I moved into a new, tiny apartment, I can't do strength training since I don't have room for any of my equipment :(. I would love something that's a few weeks long.

I just bought the Beautiful Badass program last night. I'd been waffling about getting the Girls Gone Strong program, which is very similar but 4x the price. When I saw the $27 price tag for BBA, I decided to go with it instead. ($100 for a paper program just feels like too much, as much as I love what GGS stands for.) Nia's a founding member of GGS, so they really are super similar programs.
I also got the $15 BBA Bodyweight training program -- I've been loving the flexibility of no-equipment workouts recently.
For those of you who've done BBA (or similar programs), which of the 19 programs did you follow? (OK, Karen, I do have you in mind while asking this question -- and figured I should start a thread -- but am very interested in anyone's experiences.
Also, her programs are 2-4 days/week. What, if anything, did you do on non-training days?
I won't start BBA for a few weeks, but will read the materials and watch the videos in that time. There's a lot to go through.

Part of my non-hesitation in getting this program is that I just plain really liked what I saw of her. Her specific exercise tutorials are unlisted on youtube (you need to buy her programs to get the links), but I enjoyed her public videos, her personality, and her straightforwardness. The one that got me all teary-eyed, though, was her video of her mom at her mom's comeback powerlifting meet after a double mastectomy. Now that's beautiful, and badass.

This program is all heavy weights. Compound exercises. It's a download, so it would be perfect for the gym. I'm doing one of her programs right now. MominVt has the program and will be starting in a few weeks. I have done her programs in the past. Loved the results. Highly recommend. Hope this helps with your decision. Duh, I guess I should add the program name. It is by Nia Shanks, It's called. Beautiful Badass.
I echo what Karen said. I'm really looking forward to starting the program. Also, there's a Beautiful Badass bodyweight training program, in case you prefer to hit the gym only a couple times a week and train with your bodyweight in your apartment 1-2 days/week.
Does anyone have a strength routine that they would recommend for the gym? Now that I moved into a new, tiny apartment, I can't do strength training since I don't have room for any of my equipment :(. I would love something that's a few weeks long.


If you like kettlebells, Marianne Kane has a bunch of workouts for free on YouTube. Her YT name is kitty8tim. She's also got a website with a blog and all on at They're short, intense, HIIT-style workouts. She uses a kettlebell, but they could certainly be modified and used with weights. If you're pressed for time, they're great, and quite advanced.

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