Strength ideas for coming back??



Due to several major family crises over the last year, I have not been up to focusing on working out.

I've done ok with cardio - Imax2, LM, KC, KPC, Imax 3. My weight is about where it was a year ago but I want to regain some definition.

I've found PP to be wonderful at this point. I tried S&H but I"m not quite up for that yet. Any recommendations?

My family crises are ongoing so I don't really have the energy to put everything into working out but do want to at least get back somewhat.
I'm not at the point that it will be a primary focus..

THanks well off to work out :)
Have you tried Pub/plb? I was going to do S&H a month ago and I was not quite up to doing It. You have to really concentrate and I really can't do it at this time. No wonder they say to only do it at 2 or 3 weeks. But I have been doing pub and have seen good results.

I find PP and SS to be really good workouts for easing back into weight training. Also for shorter total body weight training you could do BC Upper and Lower Body Premix or SJP weights only premix until you are ready for longer weight sessions. Another idea would be to do one body part a day using CTX upper and the lower body premixes of SS and PP. You could do PUB/PLB but those are pretty intense...maybe the up only or down only premixes until you get your strength back up. Good luck!
Edited to add that I hope your family crisis soon passes. You may want to try yoga or pilates instead of weight work for a while. My prayers go our to you during this time.
Yes family crisises can be very draining...:(..I think the DVD with PowerHour, MIS and Bodymax can be a fun and not severely challanging like S&H...sending[/img]...Carole
Thanks for the ideas.

Angela good idea - I'll add SS to the mix. I don't think I'm up for PUB/PLB yet. Good idea on the CTX as well.

Thanks Carole - yes very draining. Like you all said I don't have the concentration for S&H. Gosh I haven't down PH in ages (have that on tape).

Sounds like I'll try to get in PP,SS, PH - then maybe a week of CTX.

At least I've been eating pretty clean. My daughter is on WW Core so it's rubbing off on my son and me too. Dinner tonight veggies, salad, rice, fish. Strawberries for desert - yum!

thanks a lot for your replies and especially for the hugs and good thoughts

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