Due to several major family crises over the last year, I have not been up to focusing on working out.
I've done ok with cardio - Imax2, LM, KC, KPC, Imax 3. My weight is about where it was a year ago but I want to regain some definition.
I've found PP to be wonderful at this point. I tried S&H but I"m not quite up for that yet. Any recommendations?
My family crises are ongoing so I don't really have the energy to put everything into working out but do want to at least get back somewhat.
I'm not at the point that it will be a primary focus..
THanks well off to work out
Due to several major family crises over the last year, I have not been up to focusing on working out.
I've done ok with cardio - Imax2, LM, KC, KPC, Imax 3. My weight is about where it was a year ago but I want to regain some definition.
I've found PP to be wonderful at this point. I tried S&H but I"m not quite up for that yet. Any recommendations?
My family crises are ongoing so I don't really have the energy to put everything into working out but do want to at least get back somewhat.
I'm not at the point that it will be a primary focus..
THanks well off to work out