Strength DVDs


In your opinion, how many are enough? I am relatively new to working out with Cathe, but I am following a month long rotation right now using the GS split series. Next month I am planning on using Muscle Max and Muscle Endurance and my various circuit workouts to do an endurance rotation. Then I am going to go back to a split series. Currently I only have GS split series, Muscle Max, and Muscle Endurance. Do you think that these workouts are enough to alternate between monthly? If you don't think this is enough, would you mind recommending something? I hope this email makes sense and thanks for your help and opinions!

Hi Karin.

I think you'll see good results with just those workouts, but for variety sake, having another series or two wouldn't hurt. For split series, I tend to use the Gym Styles the most, followed by The Pyramids. I also like occaisionally to do a Pure Strength/Slow & Heavy rotation (alternating weekly between the two series). For total body workouts, I use Muscle Max and Muscle Endurance the most. I have all the rest of Cathe's weight workouts, but these are the ones I use most consistently.

The Pyramids and S & H are both very different from anything you have, so I'd probably get them next.

Have fun,
I have PS, SH, CTX, Supersets, PP and am working on the GS series...LOVE them all for different reasons, and wouldn't give any of them back....That doesn't help, though, does it???

MJ in MN
The Slow & Heavy series is different from the other strengths workouts. It really focuses on building muscle and therefore strength (whereas the pace of some of the other strength workouts sometimes lends itself more toward endurance than strength). If you want to get another strength series to complement what you have, this would be my suggestion. I actually enjoy these workouts more than the other strength series because the pace really forces focus.

Good luck!
Thanks ladies! You guys actually confirmed what I was thinking. I think that in a month or 2 I am going to purchase the S&H series and PUB/PLB.


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