strength and Cathe dvds for marathon training


I'm hoping you can help me with some strength training ideas for a marathon. I'm signed up to run Chicago in October - It will be my 3rd marathon. I'd really like to train better and harder for this one and get a PR. I'll be running three-four times per week with a spin class or two in the mix, but I really want to be sure I include enough strength training to complement the running. What workouts worked best for you during marathon training? Thanks so much!
As it almost always is with exercise, what works best for you is an individual thing.

Looking back in my workout log I see that I used the Gym Style workouts during training for my last marathon. I didn't heavy up too much on the leg workout.

Sara/Imafitnessfreak uses whole body workouts only though. She's got a completey different body type than I do and builds muscle much easier.

I think the best thing you can do to shave minutes off your time (or in Cathy's case to have an enjoyable first marathon)is to run as many miles as you can tolerate and making sure you keep your long runs at a low intensity. A great book that Sarah shared with me is "Training For Endurance" by Dr. Philip Maffetone.

To avoid the impact of running I used my elliptical in place of running about twice a week.

I also made sure that I stretched thouroughly after every single workout. I used the first segment on Cathe's Stretch Max because it seemed to get my legs the best.

Another big thing is to work on the mental aspect as much as you do the physical. A great book I would recommend for that is "The Non-Runner's Marathon Trainer" by Davit A Whitsett, Forrest A. Dolgener and Tanjala Mabon Kole. It's relevant no matter how many marathons you've run. While you might run those last 6 miles faster than previous marathons, it still hurts!

Hope this helps somewhat! Good luck and have fun!!!

ETA: One more thing that I would suggest is to take ice baths after runs, especially the long run. And to make sure you get a recovery protein shake/meal, whatever you prefer, as soon as possible after you run. Recovering from your runs is also a huge aspect in staying healthy through training.
Hi wendyc, I will see you in Chicago maybe as I am going to cheer on Cathy!!

I used traditional strength training for all of my marathons. Upper & abs 3x a week and lower body 3x a week. Somewhat similar to Cathe's Pyramids and GS series. I did cut back on lower body 4 weeks before the marathon and only used endurance type weights. I felt what worked for me was heavy lifting to prepare my muscles, and also to avoid injury. Upper body lifting is very good for distance runners as it helps to have your upper body strong in the last few miles of a marathon.

When I did my PR for a marathon I ran 6 days a week doing 40, 44, 48 weekly miles alternated during the 12 weeks of training. What seemed to help also was as least one day of interval running and one day of tempo running, then some easy runs and the long run for the week.

I know Sarah (Hi Sarah!!) and Elaine (Hi Elaine!!) used their Elliptical in place of runs during training, but I tried that once for a 20 miler and it didn't work for me.

It really is about finding what works for YOU!! And that can take a few marathons...:)

Good Luck with your training and I hope to see you in Chicago...:D
During my most successful running season ever (i.e. the one where I PR'ed in my half :)), I did total body/endurance style workouts. I did a lot of Tracie Long's functional workouts that season and I remember it really helping me in my lower body.

Last season (my best season was two years ago), I did mostly splits and I remember really struggling in my season. Not saying that was the cause, but I decided to go back to total body this season and I'm having great success so far--I've shaved off 5 minutes off my 5K time!

Again, not saying there's a causality there LOL, but I do find that splits tend to really wipe me out and I need all of my energy for my runs. I've been doing kettlebells for the last month or so and I've seen awesome results with it. I'm FINALLY losing those 2-3 pounds I've been trying to lose (hoping to lose 2-3 more), and I'm starting to see my abs peek through! So exciting :).

Wendy and Cathy,
I don't have any strength training advice, but just wanted to say that I ran the Chicago marathon 5 years ago and it was such a fabulous race!! Great course, well-organized and terrific crowd support!
Best of luck and I hope you both enjoy it as much as I did !!

LOL Cathy!!! Maybe what I mean is when you really want a PR, it is all about finding out what works, and I did a few marathons before my are too cute...:D

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