strained bicep tendon


Hello knowledgeable exercisers!

I did a really hard bicep workout 2 days ago, and ever since, the area on the inside of the elbow (the part that connects the bicep to the forearm) has been really hurting, especially when I try to straighten my arm. I've taken yesterday and today off, and took an Alleve this morning, but it's not helping. Has this happened to any of you before? If so, what can I do? Should I be trying to gently stretch it? Ice? When I can start back to my rotation? I'm doing a 1-body-part-a-day rotation -- today was supposed to be chest but I was afraid to try push-ups while it's still so sore.

Any advice that you have would be greatly appreciated!

Hi Mel -

Sorry to hear about your strained bicep tendon. There is nothing more frustrating than an injury that prevents us from exercising.

I am a Licensed Acupuncturist and Chinese Herbalist and have treated all kinds of pain conditions. And one thing that I can surely attest to is acupuncture's effectiveness in greatly reducing pain and speeding up the healing process. In most cases, acupuncture and herbal medicine greatly speeds up the healing time.

When I strained my right pec, shoulder and bicep, I did some deep tissue self massage and needled myself and with careful rehabilitation, was back to lifting heavy within two weeks. I had strained myself doing Cathe GS Chest/Tris and CTX Shoulders/bis/tris. I was following a tank top arms rotation found somewhere in this forum.

So take heart, there is something you can do to speed healing! Edie

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