Stinky detergent?


Oh man, my freshman son is playing football, and when I pick up 3 15 year olds from practice, the stench is horrible:confused: I'm trying to find a "sports" type of detergent that will get the smell that seems to be forever ingrained in that polyester fabric.

Can anyone help me?

Surrounded by b.o.,
I can't recall the brand but there are laundry detergents for these types of fabrics. If you call your local big sporting goods store - they should know. I have seen it sold there.
have you tried baking soda in the wash? extra fabric softener works for me. even gets out old pee and mold.
Im a stinky person.

I never used to sweat. Now that I've been doing Cathe I sweat and I stink badly. I had shirts that were permanently funky. I got a new washing machine that has a sanitary cycle (it's about 2 hours long). I use this in combination with a scoop of oxy clean and a little detergent. I don’t like perfumed detergents or softeners of any kind so theres no masking effect. It took the funky out, even my husband agreed. I also now use Secret Clinical Strength the key to this is rubbing it in. I use it out of the shower as well as the next morning before I start exercising. It helps alot though no 100%.

Hmmm, riding in cars with (smelly) boys...not fun! :eek: I know it may seem like extra work, but this is what 'works' for me...

To get lingering smells out of my gym clothes I have to soak them in a bucket with cold water and half a capful of liquid Tide for an hour or so before I put them in with the rest of the darks for a regular cycle. I guess it's like a manual pre-soak. (If I've got lots of time I can even leave them in there overnight and do a load first thing next day) If you've got one of those laundry/utility rooms with a sink near to your machine, maybe it won't be too much trouble.

Wishing you an odour-free future ;)

Oh man, my freshman son is playing football, and when I pick up 3 15 year olds from practice, the stench is horrible:confused: I'm trying to find a "sports" type of detergent that will get the smell that seems to be forever ingrained in that polyester fabric.

Can anyone help me?

Surrounded by b.o.,
Past roller hockey player here - used to shower before I played but still had stinky gear afterward.

Sprayed it with Febreeze and let it sit in my open hockey bag until the following week - worked short term. Then I'd soak in white vinegar in the bath tub every once in a while to start all over again.

Good luck - know exactly how you feel as our entire family played hockey and we'd have 4 of us in the van at the same time with all our equipment ! LOL! :eek:
Thanks one and all:)

I did by the Tide w/Febreze and am doing a trial run...the true test will be on his football gear after his game tonight.

I appreciate all the smelly hints:p

Febrezed up and smellin' better,

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