<--- Stink Stank Stunk

<---waves good morning to all
<---hasn't been here in a really long time!
<---has really missed you all
<---brought buckeyes into work today
<---passes around buckeyes to all of you too :9
<---isn't sure if everyone knows what buckeyes are, but assures you that if you like peanut butter cups, you'll love buckeyes :D
<---has to get back to work now, but enjoyed checking in with y'all!
<---waves to Emily and says <---wondered where you'd been lately
<---read about buckeyes on cookie thread and thought to try them this year
<---tells Wendy that no, <---has never been to Buffett concert
<---too expensive, too far away
<---is on the list of things to do someday, along with visit Paris, kayak in the Sea of Cortex, hike the Bruce Trail, go on Cathe Road Trip...
<--- also waves to Emily and says "yo dawg, 'sup?" in her best homegirl voice
<--- has sparkles all over her keyboard from Christmas cards she just opened
<--- also has sparkles on her hands, skirt, sweater....
<--- tells Robin to get on up here and hike!
<---is glad Michele is getting a mammogram
<---knows a guy who has a cousin in Chicago who could "talk" to the MR board
<---did a SH workout yesterday and arms are screaming "payback time"
<---spent yesterday at a sewing project in kinde class
<---very cramped from sitting in Kinde chair at kinde table with adult body and sewing machine
<---wishes everyone a happy day!
<---also not a Buffet fan and goes with HS best friend every couple of years and best friend does not know <--- is not a fan
<---maybe doesn't enjoy the concert because <--- drives best friend and parties in "Dietcokeville" rather than the usual Buffet Beverage.


Keep your head in line. Your butt will follow.

<---is very excited about The Grinch tonight:7
<---has a fudge disaster on her hands(it won't harden for the SECOND year in a row and i am trying another recipe later)x(
<---tells Robin to biznitch-slap somebody at that MR office
<---is not feeling very spry today
<---hopes that changes cause SJP is scheduled
<---is off for more coffee

<---waves to Emily:)
<---hasn't had buckeyes but imagines they must be more than :9 :9 :9
<---is glad to have inspired all your decorating this year
<---hopes Michele's mammogram goes well
<---just finished Imax 2 and is FRIED
<---is basking in the silence
<---will enjoy it while she has it since Christmas vacation starts next Wednesday
<---thinks endorphin rush + silence = temporary heaven

<--- says HI PINKY!
<--- tells Pinky that everything she has done for Christmas decor this year has been inspired by the thought "what would Pinky do?":p
<---just finished a fine workout
<---did body max warmup and power circuits then did MIS legs and upper body(minus shoulders)
<---saw dh for like 6mins this morning<---dh worked until 1am then just left at quarter to 11am
<---has better get a move on for the rest of the day


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
<---thinks Kassia's workout is da bomb!
<---would like to try that someday minus MIS legs portion
<---tells Shelley... Oh my gawd, I didn't know it'd get that far!:p
<---still basking in the silence
<---and pondering on how to scrapbook the last three years of memories (or two full photo boxes)
<---that's right, people... someday I'll get y'all scrapbooking as well:+

<---thinks title of thread is fitting since Robin forgot to brush her teeth:)
<---is glad Robin had backup toothbrush - whew!
<---also thinks title of thread is fitting since <---'s dog threw up and it was a stink, stank, stunk kind
<---has also never heard of Buckeyes but thanks Emily for sharing:9
<---did ME again this morning and falls in love with Cathe all over again every day
<---hopes Robin's day/week gets better
<---also wants to ride with Shelley to "influence" MR board but will ride in back seat since shotgun is taking - but will bring BIG gun
<---better get some work done today
<---would have rather stayed home and cleaned <---'s house before gremlins move in
<---hopes everyone has a GREAT day in Catheland


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

<- - - YAWN
<- - - "you're a three decker saurkraut and toadstool sandwich, with arsenic sauce. . . " (ok, for those who aren't fanatics, that is from How the Grinch Stole Chistmas.
<- - - Thinks Boris Karloff singing the song is da bomb
<- - - didn't sleep well last night, so is an a terrible fog.
<- - - Did Step and Intervals plus PUB last night. Ended up taking about 1.5 hours. Wanted a shorter workout. Evenings are getting too short.
<- - - Loves CTX, what a wonderful collection.
< - - - Wishs <- - - could be at home basking in the silence too.
<- - - bought stuff to put together a scrapbook recipe book, but can't get started. <- - - is overwhelmed by the project.
<- - - Ivory - sleep + work = grumpasaurus.
<---will be sure to let MR folks know a car load of Angry Catheites is bearing down on them
<---tells Pinky <---will NEVER scrapbook
<---can't even go to trouble of putting pictures in albums
<---has big box of pictures in closet
<---also had animal puke to clean up this AM, Susan
<---big, fat, Paddy Cat decided to gurk on dining room rug - yuk
<---can play for a bit now, since student went to lunch
<---but can't think of anything else to say
<---will go review ^^^^ and other forum threads for inspiration
<--'s boss is in a rare bad mood today :-(
<--took ds to visit school that he will transfer to in January
<--ds cried after we left, it broke <--'s heart
<--is afraid the transfer is going to be tough
<--did Pinky's biceps and triceps routine this morning plus Boot Camp cardio and tough CoreMax premix
<--thinks Shelley is in a good mood today:D
<--bets <--'s wine and chocolate belly is bigger than Pinky's wine and chocolate belly :p
<--put Christmas tree up yesterday FINALLY and ds was thrilled
<--ds sang Christmas carols and <-- joined him but made him promise not to tell anyone :eek:
<--added 2 pics of ds from last night to personal pics on picturetrail :)
<--- thinks Laura's ds is adorable:)
<--- knows that it will be hard at first but that the transfer will be the best thing for him
<--- has a cookie belly that probably outdoes all your piddly wine and chocolate bellies
<--- mmmmm.... cookies
<--- got a couple of Christmas gifts at lunch - one for sister, one for SIL & BIL and a couple for someone who shall remain nameless}(
<---hopes Laura's DS adjusts to new school with minimum fuss
<---beats you all - tree won't get up until Saturday evening, if then
<---evil sales rep just dropped off bag of assorted Lindt truffles
<---is letting coworkers gorge themselves while <---amuses self here
<---thinks how slim <---will look next to them as they get larger and larger
<---checking in to see what y'all are up to
<---had lunch of soynuts and water
<---doesn't usually have much appetite during the day
<---but at night, it's like the hormones go awry:eek: and it just feels so good to stuff this ole pie hole:eek:
<---hopes for the best for Laura and Michael
<---thinks Michael is growing up to be muy guapito
<---tells Shelley she's in her fat jeans today
<---maybe it's just all in her head but she feels better in her fat jeans:p
<---got a call from homeroom mom, who gave her decorating duties for next week's class party
<---thinks it's better than being responsible for meals}(
<---should really get going

<----is sipping a cup of hazlenut coffee.
<----purchased a can of it at the grocery store today. :9
<----had turkey sandwich for lunch.
<----DS has eaten lunch is long since gone down for a nap.
<----is procrastinating doing work out.
<----can't decide if should w/o NOW or wait until after dinner tonight.
<----can also do some now and some later if <---chooses to.
<----someone make decision for <---since <---can't seem to make up <---mind today!:p
<---congratulates Pinky on party decorater assignment
<---wonders if Pinky will share biceps and triceps routine with <---or tell <---where it is posted so <---can have arms like Pinky
<---says Larua's ds IS DARLING
<---wishes it was time to go home
<---shouldn't wish <---'s life away but still wants it to be time to go homex(
<---wishes we could all eat whatever we wanted to between Christmas and New Year's and have NO repercussions:9
<---must get back to work;(
<---remembers <---is thankful for job:7


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

<---tells Wendy to go work out NOW
<---envies Pinky's DS's class
<---wonders if Andrew's homeroom mom could tell Pinky to come decorate <---house
<---is about ready to go home for the day and waves at Susan at way out the door
<---is homeward and workout bound, then on the church for congregational meeting -big snooze, but must be done
<---will chat tomarrow and hope to be in better mood
"<---is letting coworkers gorge themselves while <---amuses self here
<---thinks how slim <---will look next to them as they get larger and larger"

<--LOL at Robin's comments!
<--tells Pinky to have fun decorating!
<--thinks Andrew's class is lucky Pinky is in charge of decorating and <--thinks the kids will be delighted
<--wishes Susan's wishes would come true for me, too! (going home NOW and eating whatever with no repercussions)
<--tells Susan to send me a pm and <-- will send you Pinky's top secret routine }( , <--knows Pinky won't mind:)

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