Thanks for that link. I was thinking they were sending out all of the online rebates yesterday - and I didn't get mine. I should have known it would take a little longer.
I'm confused about this. If I filed early & received my refund check in March, is this in addition to my refund? Or was it already included in my refund?
No, this is a separate "rebate" that the prez is giving us to kick-start the economy. (no comment) We got our refund a while ago, too. As far as this rebate goes, I think each person gets $600. We got $1,200 for the both of us.
Funny how the timing of the rebates ("cash money" as Bill Maher says) happens to coincide with the most recent crazy increases in gas prices. Lesson: never elect an oil man to be president. Lordy, lordy, lordy...
The president didn't give us this check alone, the Democrat congress participated. They are the legislative branch and hold the majority of the vote in the house and the senate. This package couldn't have happened without their approval. They had the power to stop it cold, if they'd wanted to.
For the record, I think it's silly as well (although we can certainly use the money), it's just that both parties are to blame for this one. It's an election year and everyone wants to appear "generous and caring".
We had to pay this year (with a check). Does that mean that we will receive our rebate by check too? We've had direct deposit in past years when we received a refund.
I'm not picking on parties or ideaologies, I'm ready to throw the whole lot out!
Whoever the next president is AND the next congress is they better work together to fix this mess or we are on our way to becoming a "third world nation".
President Ford tried a rebate check in the 70's to cure the recession then, $500 then bought more than $1200 will now and it didn't work. Prior to that President Nixon tried a 90 day wage price/freeze which didn't work either. The economy isn't something that can be legislated or executed by politicians. We the consumers and the manufacturers & providers drive the economy.
If the government could do anything to fix the economy it would be to provide incentives for LONG TERM savings instead of spending, to stop bailing out players who have made bad choices who were blinded by those maximum return promises and ignored the maximum risk warnings.
Aww just ruined it for the people who were planning to buy everything in the universe with "Cathe" printed on it with their nifty credit card!
I agree with a lot what you say. My only point was that the president can't send out rebate checks without the approval of congress. This is a bipartisan, election year effort.