Cindy, I completely relate to you. I too gained 70-80 lbs with each pregnancy, worked out hard 6 days a week when I had my first when she was 15 months old, and managed to lose 40. I was at a chubby but reasonable weight, the very upper end of where I should be, when I got pregnant with #2. I did so well for the first 6 months, then really packed it on in the 3rd trimester then 20 more lbs gained after he was born. I thought I could eat as much as I wanted since I was nursing, and my energy level was so low. What did me in was chocolate chip muffins. Then went down so easily and gave me energy. However they were like 25g of fat each and 750 cal. Needless to say I no longer eat those!! also too many sugary drinks. I can't eat artificial sweeteners; not only do I hate them, but they make me feel sick. So now I mostly drink water, with a little OJ and tea in the morning, and maybe a coke 1 or 2 times a week. I could be more disciplined, but I really enjoy a nice drink once in a while.
The 40 I lost already took a year to come off, and I'm not eating that much differently now, just stalling a bit. I need to tweak both my eating habits and workouts.
I'm trying to eat balanced meals, but still have things I really like, just watching the quantity. I feel satisfied and not denied by letting myself have something I really like, just not going back for seconds. I find that on days I work out I am less hungry for awhile after the workout, and more motivated to eat right/less. So I'm aiming for 4/week, and am happy if I get 3. I just don't have the time anymore to do 6 workouts/wk, like I could when I had only 1 baby. Otherwise I find I get very little done of my other responsibilities. I'm really trying to endure more hunger now, not so I feel awful, just a manageable level. I keep very busy so I don't think about food as much. It's nice to hear from you. Keep in touch!