StepWorks - how did I overlook this for so long?


Ok, I did StepWorks for the first time today. TOTALLY accidentally, as I was going to do StepFit, which I haven't done in a while, and didn't realize until halfway through the warmup that this was a different workout, and by then I was into it, so.

Anyway, I only did the first two segments, but wow, was I sweating and my heart was racing! It had a lot of variety and was fun. Probably not as difficult as StepFit, but I really enjoyed it.

I love stepworks! I never understood why not many people talk about this one. I think it is right up there with stepblast. I find it harder than stepfit. Anyway, glad you like it too.

I think Step Works is one the hardest Cathe workouts ever. I consider myself advanced and SW is really a killer.
Step Works is one of my favorite steady state cardio workouts. The choreography is interesting and it really gets your heartrate up!

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