Step tape without to much complex choreography


Hi everybody,
I'm finally moving into a place where I can do step tapes. I want one of Cathes but, I don't want one with complex choreography what would you guys suggest be my first tape? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Also, I've heard great things about intense moves with Gin Miller would love to know what someone else thinks. Thanks

Hi Shanda,

I've heard a lot of people recommend Step Heat, How to Get in Shape for Your Wedding and Step Max for first time Cathe tapes. Someone else will probably know better than me because I only have the newer tapes, but those are apparently less tricky in trms of choreography. You will love Cathe's tapes; they are fun and intense. Also, Intense Moves with Gin Miller is a great tape and it's easy to modify as well. Good luck :)
Power Max is also a good one to start with. Challenging but the moves are easy to learn. It's one of my favorite workouts
I have all of Cathe's tapes and I consider myself slightly choreography-challenged. For a great intro to Cathe I would recommend Get in Shape for Your Wedding. In my opinion this has the most basic choreography of Cathe's tapes as well as being the least intense (though still not lacking in intensity!)it also has a 40-45 minute strength section too. Next in intensity and choreography I'd choose either Step Heat, Step Max or Mega Step Blast. Power Max is pretty intense, but the choreography, though more complex than the tapes I just mentioned didnt take too long to learn. In another post someone mentioned that Interval Max was good for learning Cathe's choreography in mini-intervals so even though this is her most intense tape, the choreography is basic and really broken down. I also have Gin Miller's Intense Moves and I find it less intense and more basic in choreography most of Cathe's tapes, though very much worth getting!!

Thanks for the replies,I'm going to start with intense moves I found it on the firm swap. But I'm definelty going to add some of Cathes step tapes.
Hi, I don't have a whole lot of Cathe tape experience since I remain somewhat in awe of the people who can actually do them all the way through! However, I recently purchased the Wedding Video and Step'n Motion to ease my way up from intermediate, basic choreography and they are both superb, very easy to follow. The choreography wasn't complex and when I got mixed up it only took one rewind to get me back in step. Gilad's videos are more athletic than dancy and can be quite challenging with the hops and big movements, as can Charlene Prickett's. I know I leaned away from ordering hers because I'd read about the chattiness and repetition in her videos but they sure as shootin' can keep the heart rate up without being complex.
Intense Moves by Gin Miller is great ( a little less than Interval max); but Extreme Step by Gin Miller is not Good: I just threw it away. Just be aware there are two.

Extreme Step is trying to be an interval tape --but throws in major stength moves in the middle of high heart rate cardio--and maybe thinks it's a circuit training tape, too--or something. Well, I hate it. :-(

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