Step & Strength Video

When I bought my step it came with the Step & Strength Video. It was not a commerical copy. It was a regular six hour tape with a sticker slapped on it and the protection tab was not out. It accidentally got taped over. I have been looking for that same video and cannot find it on the website or at any store. Is there any way I can get a copy of it.
Dear Jilliana,
Thanks for getting back to me. Sorry to say, that is not it. The one I am looking for is called Step & Strength. It no longer comes inside Aerobic Step and it is not on the her website. I will still keep on looking.
After looking at that website you suggested, I think it might be very possible that Step and Strength might be the subtitle and the main title is Body Max. I read the description and it matches it to a tee. I need to check it out.

Oh wow!! I love BodyMax!!! Cathe wears a yellow top in it, except for the ab section, where she is alone and wearing a white one. This was my first video of Cathe's. It's awesome isn't it? Hopefully that is it. I wish I could give you a clue, so you'd know for sure.

How long ago did you purchase this step with Body Max in it? I had never heard of a step coming with a Cathe video except for All Step being in them!!!!

You really have my interest up now!

I think I purchased it in May or June of this year 2002. I really think it was a mistake. It was a regular 6 hour tape dubbed from the original with a sticker slapped on it, and the protective tab was not taken out so it got tapped over. i was so mad. When I called Sports Authority and told them what happened, they felt bad and told me to come in and they would replace it. But all the steps came with the other video, so I think mine was a mistake. It's crazy isn't it.
Maybe you can help me. I will explain what the video is and you tell me if it is this one. Here we go.
It starts out with a warm up of 8 min.
--a few basic
--then grapevine
--walking around the board
--leg lift off the side then cross over
--side steps
--some leg stretches and that ends the warm up

there is 23 min of straight stepping next. It encompasses:
--heel toes
--power circle sevens
--figure eights
--straddles and some more.

then at 31 min of the tape you have a heart rate check.

then the weights step combo starts up until about 54 or 55 min of the tape. you do a few min of step then you use the weights or the bar bell for the lunges. after 55 min is all upper body weight lifting. the entire tape is about 1 hour and half. let me know if this is it. I did'nt have the cover for the tape so that is why I didn't know the name.

Thanks and sorry for such a long mail Aimee.

Oh wow Nancy!! That describes BodyMax to a T alright!1 That has got to be the tape you have!! And she has short hair in it right?? Cedie and Rohnda and the gang are wearing dark blue??
I'll bet my next paycheck that you have bodymax!! Hey can you go to the video clips on the homepage and campare the two??


Wow, your are wonderful. Thank you so much for helping me find the video. I went to the homepage and looked at the video clip and it was definitely it. Have a wonderful New Year.

Now how in the world do you suppose Bodymax under the title Step and Strength end up in her Step box? Do you suppose someone previously purchased the step, put in a bootleg copy of Bodymax and kept the All Step tape it came with?
That is the only thing I can think of. Or Someone bought the step, returned it, and didn't return it with the tape, so the store put the bootleg copy in. But then I was thinking why wouldn't they just put a copy of the all step tape in. I guess we will never know will we. thanks a lot
I think that's it too. Too bad you have to go and buy it now. It's like paying for it twice. That's my favorite tape though, so I'd buy it again too:)!! I'm glad I could help out. Happy a Happy New Year too!!

I probably won't buy it because I just boughht here max intensity cardio and rythmic step and i bought them on dvd. I lift weights separately and my boyfriend is a personal trainer so he just wanted me to get a tape that is totally cardio and no weights. Its been rough but in 9 1/2 months i lost 100 pounds and I have about 35 more to go. i cant wait until its all over. Its the hardest thing I ever had to do and Cathe's tapes really help me get there.
take care
Man, I am so impressed! Did you follow a specific diet or just watch portion sizes??You should do your story on the success stories if you haven't already. What an inspiration!! I'm proud for you!!
I love MIC especially the step part. I still haven't gotten into Rythmic step yet. I've tried it and tried it and I just can't get it. One day.......
I don't have any DVD's I stuck back in the 90's. Just can't bring myself to order them even though I know I'll have to one day.
You go girl!! Let me know if you do the success story I'd love to read it:)!!


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