Step, Jump and Pump


I am enjoying the step, jump and pump dvd at the moment. For a little over a week now I go through all sections once a day except for some arm sections I do not have equipment for. I am fairly fit but really would like to tone my thighs completely like the girls in the video!
Is it suitable to be doing this dvd once a day? I have heard it is better to alternate upper body weights, and lower body weights on alternate days, but I am wondering if professionals do it every day? Will my muscles get stronger this way? This is for squats and lunges.

Also is Rhonda Davis in any other dvd's? Is excellent seeing a tally like me,

All the best and thankyou to Cathe. She makes me feel motivated and inspired.
Hi There!

I'm obviously not Cathe but hope you don't mind my giving you a quick answer to your question. Step Pump & Jump is one of my favorite workout DVD's but I sure wouldn't recommend doing it everyday. That's a good way to get injured. You should definitely mix it up - maybe step one day, the next day weight, maybe the next day something low impact or a bike ride. I speak from experience on this: when I first started doing Cathe workouts about 14 years ago I decided I would do Step Works every single day until I got it. Well, it took me 6 weeks. I learned it all right, but i also got myself a very bad case of plantar fascitis from doing the same moves all those weeks. Something to think about anyway - hope this helps. Take care

Not Cathe either but I also wouldn't recommend doing the same workout every day. I haven't been working out with Cathe that long but she will often not to do a workout more than 1-2 or 2-3 times per week. We need to let our muscle rest and recover from each workout. Inaddition to possible injuries your body will get too used to doing the same thing and you want to mix things up to confuse the muscles.

Rhonda is in several of her DVD, I remember her being in Muscle Max and the Cross Train Express series. I would go to the Shop Cathe site and check out the videos, I beleive she is primarily int he older workouts.

Hope that helps :)
Thankyou very much. I am new to cathe workouts and a little impatient to get that awsome toned body! The music in the Step Jump and Pump motivates me to get started every time.
You are right I am starting to get sore knees! I wonder if a step routine every other day? I have two dvds, (also step moves) so perhaps alternate with that. I cannot wait to buy the Rythmic Step that looks very challenging but rewarding.
Yes I was wondering with professionals like Cathe if they did this kind of weights work every day, but thanks I guess all people need to rest their muscles.
Thanks in regard to Rhonda, I noticed she is in the Rythmic Step, I find her motivating also, I am so exhausted and she is still going strong and having fun.
Thanks for your replies I am glad you have been enjoying the workouts, Step Jump and Pump I don't think I will ever get bored from!
I forgot to mention thanks for mentioning "confusing the muscles" I did not think of that. I think my body is in complete shock at the moment, but I will need to keep things different. More and more questions arise from that, but it is all good, at least i know you should not do weights every day, I will definately do squats and lunges every second day tho....... thanks for your help
Basically, I agree with everything the other posters have said. I just wanted to say that I try not to do the same workout more than 1x/week. You don't want to work the same exercise (especially strength training) more than 2x/week, you can't heal and get the benefit if you don't take the time to rest. Remember that the benefit happens after the workout not during it.;)
Yes I think I will perhaps look for some more hi/lo dvd's for I am worried about over doing my knees with step and weights. (I do have a stationary bike I can be on if I get motivated enough) I wrote earlier that I could do step one day and then weights the next and continue like that, but it is too much, if only I did not over do my knees the last few weeks.
I did not know about muscle doing its work during the rest period, amazing.
Thankyou again, you are so kind and helpful. I normally do not post, but glad I did,
All the best, enjoy your workouts, xxx

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