Step Height and Quad size


Recently I upped my step height on all my step workouts (2-3 a week, with 1 being IMAX 1 or 2) and did this for a month. Very challenging for me, but I noticed my upper legs getting bigger. All my pants were tighter. So, I brought the step level back down and within a week or so, my legs were back to normal. Good news and bad news I guess.

Anyone else notice this with upping the step height and if so, what did you do about it. Right now, I simply emphasize my height and concentrate harder on form, but I do find I am a little ahead of the videos at times because with the lower step I have time to spare.

On the bright side, maybe I will be able to step for many more years to come.

Have a great day!
Yup, I've noticed the same thing. When I go higher, not only do my quads get bigger but my knees start to ache. Its amazing all the difference one riser can make! And like you, I want to be able to step for as long as possible!

I, too, recently lowered my step to 6" for 2 reasons: 1) my left knee (which has NEVER bothered me before) was giving me a hard time, and 2) the "bulking" issue. I've only recently made this change, but my knee pain has disappeared and my jeans fit a lot better in the thighs! I don't know if the thigh issue is due to the step height or results from working out, but whatever it is, I'm much happier. I do still use an 8" with workouts like CMAX, Power Circuit, and BMAX, but for workouts like IMAX and PMAX I stick with 6" and just really focus on giving it my all in terms of intensity. Plus, I'm only 5'3", so I think 6" is more than enough!

Sarah :)
I believe this is my problem too. My step is 10"(I'm about 5'6) and is not adjustable. My hubby built it about 7 years ago. Recently I told him I wanted a new one,between 7-8". I think it will help slim the thighs a bit. I've also been getting some sharp pains off/on in my knees when stepping. Also I'll be able to really propel myself better with Cathe's videos! Last night I told him I wanted it for my Mother's Day gift! And if he wanted to give it to me early that'd be nice! ;-) Susan
>I believe this is my problem too. My step is 10"(I'm about
>5'6) and is not adjustable. My hubby built it about 7 years
>ago. Recently I told him I wanted a new one,between 7-8". >;-) Susan

Can he just saw off 2" or so on the bottom to make the new one?

IMHO, 10" is too high for Cathe tapes, especially her more recent ones, which are faster paced. I used to do her earlier tapes on 8", but on more recent ones, I've moved to 6" (for the ones I do. Too many of the more recent ones have figure 8 moves and ricochets that I find too stressful on my particular knee anatomy).
That is a good idea! I do like using the 10" for my strength training(lying down work.) I'll run it past him. I'm sure he'd rather do that than spend hours building a new one! Susan
I admit to using a 4 inch step quite a bit. I know what a wuss!! But, I do often step 5 days a week so that really does make a big difference for me using a 4 inch step.

I am so glad to see this post.

Two weeks ago, I decided step was the culprit for my over-developed thighs so I swore it off for a few weeks. In two weeks I saw a noticeable difference.

This morning, I decided to drop back to a 4" step and resume step workouts hoping I would see my thighs return to where they were.

I had moved in January from 4" to 6" so this seems like the reason for my super-sized quads.

I too have decided to stop stepping, just for a couple weeks. I plan to run,walk, do Cathe's CK and Kickbox, and MIC (Hi/lo portion)and my ski machine for cardio. I too have a feeling I'll notice a difference!

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