step heat,step jam,&mega step blast


Hi Ladies,
These are the 3 videos that I don't have and I was wondering if they were worth getting or should I just be patient and wait for Cathe to put some new videos out? Any info would be great.
I still like them--but they are pretty straight-forward in terms of choreography in comparison to Rythmic Step or CTX Vol 1 or even Step Works. But, I do still like them from time to time. Murph
Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Mega Step Blast is the video that has a fairly interesting last section where you turn the board sideways and do some neat choreography, including some fairly intense "power drills".

This was the first Cathe step video I could do with a full 8" step!

Hope that helps.

Susan G.
You have Mega Step Blast right, Susan. I like to pull this one out from time to time because it is a sentimental was my FIRST Cathe and set me up nicely for all the other "little" Cathe's to follow! It repeats a bit but I find it lots of fun, especially the last section... it can be very challenging.
Step Jam is one of my favorites. The first section has a ton of basics, so I do run ups or plunge-lunges instead. The second section is fun, but the third is one of my favorites of any Cathe tape. And it is 47 min. without the warm up/cool down so it is pretty long too. I recommend it! Have fun!

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