Step Fit--Tough to Learn?


Hi gang--I am finally ready to learn Step Fit and have previewed about the first 15 minutes of it. Looks like a blast. Is it difficult to learn the choreography? Any suggestions for a neophyte like me? FYI--I've mastered Power Max, Step Jam, Step Heat, Step Max, Mega Step Blast, MIC hi/lo (still working on learning the step part), Interval Max, & Cardio Kicks. Thank for any and all suggestions! Suzanna
No problem!!

You'll do great with Step Fit if you've already mastered all of those other videos! I have a tough time with choreography and I did Step Fit after Step Max, Mega Step Blast and Power Max. A couple of spots gave me trouble, but not too bad. You have a lot of Cathe tapes under your belt, though, and should do fine!! Have fun!!!!!!
I will watch her tapes I haven't done once or twice before I do them, and that seems to help a lot. I've done Step Fit twice, and have it down pretty good. Previewing is a definite good first step.

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