You got point, Cathe, you got point....
Stepping on a BOSU? WT#??? What about a rebounder? I am not hating on the rebounder, so don't blast me, but I had a friend that got the one from the infomercial and bounced RIGHT OFF THAT THING and broke her leg!!! No joke. It is only a mini trampoline, and not use correctly, like EVERYTHING ELSE, can be hazardous.
Stepping is optional. We have the opportunity to raise/lower, speed up/slow down the pace. Everyone that comes on this board and all the others know Cathe advertises for the ADVANCED workout person, period. We all know what she is about and know her workouts. We also dictate and mandate what WE as the advanced exerciser want and don't want.
Bottomline, if you don't like her step...step onto something else. If you do, stick with it. I have my "I feel like Cathe" today and other days, maybe I will go with Karen Voight.
It is all about listening to your body and answering accourdingly.
Not hating...just appreciating.....
"We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated."
Maya Angelou