step and leg toning


Active Member
Hello, i was wondering if you guys noticed toning in your legs as a result of step without any additional leg workout? does step tone your legs as well as serve as cardio? thanks :)
You know...way back in the day when I started exercising with The Firm, I did notice some nice firming up of my legs. But if I remember correctly, there is some additional leg toning exercises in there.

I noticed when I had gone through my brief stint in aerobics classes at a health club that the women who did no weight training at all and did only step were still kinda jiggly. Of course, I don't know what they were eating either.
Hopefully the educated will give their opinion on this one. I can only give you my personal experience.

Several years ago I spent time with a personal trainer because after years of home exercising I wanted an outside opinion on my results. She told me I shouldn't do any additional leg work besides my usual running and aerobics because I tend towards thick 'pack-horse' legs (my term, not hers) but to focus on my upper body instead.

I followed her advice and a couple years later tried a pilates tape. I could hardly walk the next day! I was so shocked!

Since then I've added lower body training back in because I realized I had a huge imbalance especially in the inner thigh/outer thigh that get worked minimally in comparison to your quads etc. I also saw see improvement in my overall leg look...albeit they are kind of thick for someone my size. Oh well, if I keep this up noone will ever have to help me out of a chair when I'm old and decrepit!

Hope this helps.
the only muscle group i think step, running, cycling, etc is sufficient for is the calf muscles. Other than that, i think weights are a must!

just my .02 :)
I'm one of those people who has to work very hard to get leg toning. I can do cardio till the cows come home, and still have leg jiggle. I DID back off the heavy weights and use more pilates and ball work. That really did the trick for me. But you really have to experiment. It's just like getting down the right diet - it's individual. Nothing is going to work for everybody.
About that "leg jiggle"?

An instructor at my gym, who does both step and weight training, and has a BOD TO DIE FOR in terms of muscle definition, STILL has a slight jiggle in her Im not sure how much we can rely on exercise to completly tone and harden the leg muscles so they dont jiggle.

Anyway, back to the point. Step for me, seems to only lean out my quads and a little glute, so I do have to incorperate "other" leg exercises in there.
I havent noticed in difference in my calfs at all.


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