Steamers by Joy Mangano???


I hate to iron...mostly because I don't like to take out the ironing board and then put it away when I'm finished. My mom has an "ironing day" when she does all of her ironing for the week. Not me. If it's wrinkled I usually don't wear it. :eek:

So my question is, do you have a steamer that is designed by Joy Mangano? They sell these on HSN. Does this really work? Should I get one?

Thanks in advance to anyone who answers.:)
My mom irons tshirts! I am with you...if it is that wrinkled I throw it in the dryer with a wet washcloth!! If it is still wrinkled...find something else!
I would NEVER buy anything more than an ordinary iron.
The one time I took my iron out, my 7yr old daughter was like "what's that?"!!!!!!!
She too will be throwing a wet washcloth in the dryer when she grows up!:D:p:D

Hilarious!! And good for you for passing your wet washcloth remedy on to your daughter. She shouldn't get stuck with the ironing. I grew up before the "permanent press" era and was one of the older girls in a family of nine children. I remember starching items and rolling them in a ball and then ironing them. My two older sisters and I each had to iron for an hour every Saturday morning--and more if necessary. It wasn't until sometime in the early 90's that I finally said "Enough. I am done with this. If it needs to be ironed, either don't buy it or be prepared to send it to the cleaners."

Didn't mean to hijack your thread, veggiegirl. I don't know anything about steamers except I am told they take almost as much time as ironing, so I really don't get it. But good luck.
Read the product reviews on HSN. I purchase stuff from them as well. She used to hang out with Chef Todd English but they haven't done a segment together in awhile. From the live customer testimonies, I do know that many people love it.
BTW, I don't iron either. I have a winkle mode on my dryer.
Read the product reviews on HSN. I purchase stuff from them as well. She used to hang out with Chef Todd English but they haven't done a segment together in awhile. From the live customer testimonies, I do know that many people love it.
BTW, I don't iron either. I have a winkle mode on my dryer.

Thanks JT.

I do read the product reviews but I'm not so sure they are "real". (Not sure about trusting any reviews from any sites.) The people that I trust the most are the Cathletes!

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