starting to get bored with my old ones


i have the 2 dvd's for beginners the imax2&cardio and weights the kick max and the core max AND i have to wait for 14 days till i recive the dvd's i have ordered not including the new ones but the problem is that i got bored from the exe. so what can i do until i get the newones can someone KICK some life and advise me please?:( :( ;(


Have you explored the premixes?
Do you get FitTV? You could tape a Cathe workout or two from there to use.
Hi, Sharona! Here is Cathe's Bonus Burn for October 2006's rotation; use this before or after your workout for some zap. This obviously won't change the workouts you have, but it'll add a bit of variety until the new ones have arrived. More Bonus Burns in a second . . .

Halloween Bonus Burn:

1 minute jumping jacks
1 minute jump rope
1 minute squat thrust climbers
16 tuck jumps
16 air jacks
16 plyo jacks
Cool down for 2 minutes
4 sets of 16 push ups
200 crunches
One promise to never eat that again…..tee hee hee hee!

August 2006 Bonus Burn:


300 jumping jacks

8 walking lunges one direction, turn around, and do 8 walking lunges coming back. This equals one set. Do 5 sets

16 push ups
8 squat thrusts
(repeat the push up and squat thrust sequence three times)

Walk up and down a flight of steps taking two steps at a time (on the way up only). Up and down equals one set. Do 5 sets.

2 minutes jump rope (with or without an actual rope)

3 sets of 40 dips off the edge of a coffee table

If you have access to a pull up bar, do one set of as many pull ups as you can after each dip set

30 alternating slow and controlled curtsey lunges (where one leg crosses behind the other leg on a diagonal as you lunge down). Go as deep as comfort allows being careful not to drop hips below 90 degrees.

40 plie jacks

July 2006 Butt Blaster Bonus:

The following mini workout will be referred to as the Butt Blaster Bonus (BBB) and should be done whenever you see BBB listed:

5 minute dynamic and active warm up followed by....

Jump Squats ...jump high and land deep in a 90 degree bend (one minute)

Walking Lunges with moderate weight dumbbells (3 minutes)

Stiff Legged Deadlifts with a barbell (2 SLOW SETS of 12 reps)

Defensive Squats (as seen in Low Max Blast) for 2 minutes

Run up and down a flight of steps in house 20 times (no breaks unless have too)

Side Lunges onto an 8 inch step height (face front as you lunge up sideways. Leg on the floor is on a straight diagonal while leg lunging onto step is bent 90 degrees at the bottom of the lunge). Do one set 20 each side. If too easy lunge up while holding a med ball or hand weight.

June 2006 Butt Blaster Workout bonus:

The following "Bonus Butt Workout" is to be done whenever you see "BBW" listed on a given day:

Bonus Butt Workout: (approximate time including stability ball segment of Pyramid Lower Body is 32 minutes)
1) One minute of squats with a challenging barbell weight
2) One legged front lunge (back leg propped up on high step)...2 alternating sets of 15 reps with weights in hands for more challenge.
3) Plie squats for one minute with a challnging barbell weight
4) Leg Press....2 alternating sets of 15 reps
5) Barbell Deadlift...2 slow sets of 15 reps
6) Wall squat with one leg elevated minute on each leg
7) Deep and controlled power scissors for 30 seconds (or substitute one minute of walking lunges with 8 pound hand weights)


thank u i printed the workouts and i'll try to do them
unfortuntly here in Israel they dont get fitv and what more i dont see tv at all so this wont do.
Its now holiday here and between the husband and the kids i will try to do something, or i'll do the sensible thing and wait for another week that everybody will go back to school and kindergarden and work and then have the whole house for myself tne go back to exe.and meanwhile try to keep my mouth shut:p and not to eat holiday food:D

thanks again
Hi Sharona

I live in Jerusalem and have a few video's (if you have a vcr) that you could use/have if you are interested. I'm slowly changing my video's to DVD and have Pyramid Upper Body and Step Jump and Pump already changed so you could have them it you want.

Glad to know there are others here in Israel who us Cathe's workout.

[email protected]

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