starting to exercise at 20 weeks...


I am finally starting to feel better after suffering horrible morning sickness, etc. I want to get started back to exercising, but I'm a little afraid to start back to Cathe workouts because of their intensity. I'm thinking of using my elliptical for 20 min or so to get back into the swing of things. Do you think that I could work back up to my Cathe workouts, or shall I save them for after pregnancy? Any thoughts?

Since I haven't been working out, do you think it is safe to do light weight training also? I really want to try to get some of my muscle tone back that I've lost over the last several weeks.

Thanks for your input!
I didn't work out during my first trimester at all. I started again a couple weeks ago (so I took more than 13 weeks off LOL!).

I started with Basic Step, Body Fusion, and Low-Impact Cardio. I did the Upper Body Add-On from BS/BF also.

I normally add more jumping to these, but kept them low-key.

The advice I got here and from my OB is to listen to my body. Realize you need to modify your intensity, but as long as you feel okay, there is no reason not to continue.

My girlfriend had a baby 12 weeks ago, and she said she really wishes she had done upper body weights while pregnant because that little baby sure feels like 50 pounds before too long!
I'd start with lower cardio and lower weights.Listen to your body and slowly increase poundage but not too high.Remember though muscle has memory so you probably are in better shape than someone who never exercised. You can probably do some cathes just lower intensity and low impact. Come join us on the moms to be check in.

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