Starting STS tomorrow - need help

I am doing the rotation above and really liking it. Even without it, you could easily add in cardio supersets, low impact challenge, and the cardio part of slide and glide for your cardio days, I have not done Afterburn yet, but I think that is more cardio based.

Athletic training, the first part is all cardio and the second part has light weights, but you could still do the whole thing on a cardio day if your weight days are planned correctly, or mix the cardio from AT and the cardio from Slide and Glide for a full hour or so of cardio.

Yoga can be used on your day off if you don't like taking a day off, or in addition to or instead of a cardio day.

The tri set dvd is a little harder to work in since it's all weights, but there would be nothing wrong with adding a total body workout day to your STS week.

This first week of the above rotation has really left me with some good soreness, you could definitely start with week one to get your feet wet, since she uses Discs 1,2 and 3 in it from STS.

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