
Hi Everyone,
I have worked out since i was 14, but as i have gotten older, and hypothyroid hit then surgical menopause..(which i am now post menopausal)... I have noticed a huge change in my muscles, they are very week, I am very active, work in a hospital (multipal service associate) so I am very very busy, always walking at work. I come home and workout, i have been slacking these past couple weeks, becuz i am sooooooo tired when i get home, but i want to start again, and i have done some of cathe on tv and love her so far, but before i get into buying all the videos, i was hoping to get a rotation with the ones she has on tv.the ones i have taped right now are......

1. 3 different core maxes. i call them core max 1, 2, and 3.
2.pyramid upper and lower.
3.rythmic step.
4.kick, punch, and crunch.
5.power hour.
6.stretch max w/ pink band.
7.muscle endurance.
8.push and pull.
9.slow and heavy (legs and shoulders).
10.boot camp.
12. legs and glutes.
13. step, jump, and pump..
14. chest and back.
15. step blast.
16.low max.
17.Imax 2.
18.legs and shoulders.

So, those are all the ones i have.
can anyone help me with a rotation i can try??? please:) and thank you in advance:) p.s. I am 39. menopause can sometimes make people think i am older than i am if you can't see me;;)
Hi, I am fairly new to Cathe myself, but have been exercising for a while...If I were to rotate these exercises I would do the following. Basically, you will want to rotate your strength training, i.e. don't workout the same body part 2 days in a row. Give yourself @ least 24 - 48 hours to recover. Combine the strength training with aerobics and stretching for complete workout. Also, remember that you can modify all the moves on the video to adapt to your fitness level.

Week 1:
Day 1: Rhyhmic Step {or whatever you choose from your selection}
Day 2: Pyramid upper / abs; core 1, 2 or 3 or use ab routine on the
Pyramid tape
Day 3: Kick, punch and crunch {if this includes abs, if you are sore,
skip the ab section.}
Day 4: Pyramid Lower / abs: core 1, 2 or 3
Day 5: Aerobics for @ least 30 minutes
Chest and back
Day 6: Step Blast
Day 7: Stretch Max...

Week 2:
Day 1: Aerobics (choose from your selection) - Ab core of choice
Day 2: Powerhour
Day 3: Aerobics - Ab core of choice
Day 4: Aerobics @ least 30 minutes and Legs and Glutes
Day 5: Aerobics @ least 30 minutes and Chest and Back - Ab core of
Day 6: Rhythmic step
Day 7: Stretch

I hope this helps... I will check back with you soon.. Let me know if this is doable for you.

Day 6: :+
Hi Brenda:

You are welcome!.. keep me posted on your progress, or if you have any more questions.. Have fun!

Hi Brenda:

Also, I don't know if you have done this already, but you may also want to refer to the topic: **Index for Cathe Rotations**.. You can find it under: "VIDEO & DVD ROTATIONS" (the forum we are in now), it is the first topic.

There are alot of rotations by category and you can substitute videos for the ones she has and basically design your own excercise program.

See ya! Dee:+
I have done that. but i still am not sure which workouts to do that will give me the results i want. but i will keep you posted. and ty so much for your help, it is very much appreciated:) *hugs*

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