Starting back after Shelby's arrival!


New Member
Our daughter Shelby was born on May 9th. She was breech so I had a C-section. I have to say, it was nice to get up at 4 am, drive to the hospital, and have a baby. Shelby is our first and she is beautiful! New life is so precious and I can't believe how big she is already at 3 1/2 weeks.

I had been working out pretty regularly before getting pregnant and did so moderately with walking and weights while being pregnant. I am almost four weeks postpartum and am wondering when I can start doing regular exercise. I mainly am looking forward to using the 6 pack series as I just received them before getting pregnant and have not mastered any of them yet. So far, I have been walking about 20 minutes a day and have been doing 10 each of about 5 different abdominal exercises. Any advice would be appreciated. FYI, I have had no complications with having a section and have been feeling great (thanks to Cathe for those prepregnancy abdominal exercises!)
Hi Wheeler!

I'll leave the fitness advice to Sheila but wanted to congratualte you on the birth of Shelby! How exciting! I agree with you on the C-section. It is nice not to have to go thru the labor part of it! Have fun getting back into your routine. You are going to love the 6-pack.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
RE: Hi Wheeler!

Thanks for your encouragement Debbie. I did have a chance to do the kickboxing portion of the 6 pack and thoroughly enjoyed it, plus it is a great stress reliever!
I'm impressed by anyone that thinks a c-section is easy. Maybe there is something wrong with me, but the surgery was quite an ordeal for me. My son is 5 and I'm still not ready to go through that again!

Congratulations on your new baby girl! I love the name Shelby. I hope things continue to run smoothly for you.


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