++Start Working MELTERS! It's Monday!++

Forgot to mention the book I just read..are you ready for this title?

It is by Jen Lancaster "One Narcissists Quest to Discover if Her Life Makes Her Ass Look Big...Such a Pretty Face..or Why Pie Is Not The Answer!":+ She is a hoot and a holler, she wrote "Bitter is the New Black" which was good too. Basically she and hubby were dot-com folks that made a ton of money and then lost it all. She lives in Chicago, loves handbags and shoes, and writes like she must talk, which I find extremely enduring. I love comedy/real life type books so I breezed through this one yesterday. I read really, really fast, its strange actually.

I am convinced that everyone has cellulite. Do this after getting out of the shower, or after having a stiff drink.heehee. Turn around in the mirror and clench your butt cheeks together.Pretty isn't it? As low as I got my bodyfat? Ha! It was still there mocking me with its "cheesy grin".

Anyway! Need to answer my nagging work related emails now..:7
Another shout-out to Shelley, our wonderful lovemuffin!:) We love you, babe, and hope you're feeling a bit less blue!

Lainie -- I can't get anywhere near as high on those tuck-jumps either -- and never will!:) Take some photos before you start all that work around the house so we can see the before and after!:)

Tneah -- That book sounds hysterical! I'm think I'm going to order it now so I have something fun to read as soon as school's done. Now, I certainly can't picture you getting Hulk-like all! I think I'd need more than one stiff drink to take such a close look at my cellulite. Egads!;-) The woman from Kaiser hasn't called back, so I'll probably have to call them again on Wednesday morning when I'm home.

Just got back from the grocery store and picked up a copy of the infamous Fitness magazine! :) It's a nice article; I skimmed it quickly while putting groceries away!

We also got some new next-door neighbors over the weekend, so I just met the hubby and the two teeny ones when I pulled into the garage. He works for the DEA and she's a SAHM; they just moved down here from San Francisco. We were sad to lose our old neighbors; they were this great retired couple who were so sweet!

UG! -- I have 19 more essays to grade, and it's just not happening. I might try to grade tonight when DH is at his Kung Fu lesson, but I may need to just get up super early tomorrow to finish. UG again!
Hello Melters.

Tonight, I bought a new printer for my PC and cables for my converter box. If you have cable now or dish, you don't need the box.

Plus, I asked for two days off in June on top of my time off set for NY.

This AM, I got sick and should have called in but that's how it normally works for me. Right now, just feeling fat and icky.

Time to have fun with the electronics.
Jennifer, you are certainly not fat and not icky...even though you might feel that way. I had one of those fat days yesterday.x(

Leanne, heck, just give 'em all A's and call it a day!:7
"Just give 'em all A's and call it a day." Bwhahahaha. Tneah, why weren't you a teacher when I was in college?

Hey, lovemuffin! I love that! Shelley - {{{{HUGS}}}}Please feel better and take the first dang exit off that stupid highway!

Leanne, thanks for posting the recipe. I don't know if I'll ever make them. I'm with Shannon in thinking they may too hard to resist. And DH doesm't like scones, so they'd all be left for me. Good luck finishing up this week.

Lainie, whew, what a day you had. One thing after another. You should be tired!

Jennifer, no, you are not fat and icky! How is your foot. I saw you post that is bothered you over the weekend. Yeah, we need to get one of those boxes.

Shannon, I'd prefer to make up my own rotation too. But I go day by day, doing whatever I feel like that day. I just try to hit every body part at least once each week and mix up the cardio a little.

Today's workout was GS BS&B. I stopped at the library today after work. A book called Life Doesn't Begin 5 Pounds From Now jumped off the shelf at me. The subtitle is A step by step guide to loving your body today. Think any of us may need to read this book?!?!? I'll let you know what I think.
Hey all,

Jennifer -- Please don't feel fat and icky! You're just feeling that way since you haven't been working out b/c of your ankle, but you know that you're healthy and trim and fit . . . and you'll be back to working out again soon! Glad you got all those cables, etc. that you needed.

Robin -- YES, we all need that book! Will you let us know how it is? How did you end up liking _The Heroines_? I started _The God of Small Things_ over the weekend, and it's good so far, but it's slow reading. I ordered the book Tneah just read for a bit of fun once I get through this one!

Tneah -- Ah, heck, I wish I could just give 'em all A's! The good thing is that it's my literature class, and they're all really good students, so they mostly get A's and B's -- but I still gotta write all those dang comments on the papers. My brain shut down for grading a few hours ago, though, so I'll get up at 4:00 tomorrow morning to finish them up. Oh, and I got in touch with Kaiser, and have an appointment in two more weeks to get the body fat testing done. It's just done on a fancy scale thing, and I can't eat for four hours beforehand, work out for 12 hours beforehand, etc. When I told DH about it when he got home, the first thing he said to me was, "Aren't you a bit obsessed?" I promised him that I'd try to stop obsessing -- which is why I need Robin to tell us how that new book is!;-)
Robin, Uh, yeah! I REALLY need to read that book.

I am once again mulling over my eating program...sheesh. Think I might just eat what I want within reason, and work out like I always do and stop obsessing over the meals. Obviously in order for me to remain very lean, I must kill myself and make others hate me in the process.
I am a smart woman right? I know what foods to eat to feel good, that program helped me break some bad "picking at everything" habits, and my nightly drinking sessions}( but I think I might be at that place where I want that glass of wine at night with dinner, I want that piece of chocolate, or that dish of (gasp) spaghetti..hey, if its good enough for Sophia Loren, its good enough for me. I just have to watch the portions right? WOW. I wish I was "normal in the head" about stuff.

PS. DH is pissed that I am still trying to follow my program, says its stupid trying to eat like that and I was alot better off before I started with as he puts it so delicately,"the moron workout genius".No, that wasn't very nice was it? DH is in a weird place right now anyway, so do not think he is mean, just is very skeptical about most people, places and things.;)

HA! Leanne, your DH sounds exactly like mine! Hum, maybe they are on to something???
Hello Melters.

Still feeling fat and icky even after completing the converter box project with success. When installing my new PC printer, however, something went wrong and my unit was not healthy for awhile. If you MUST buy the box, make sure you have a good aetenna plus do the "autoscan." It was really cool when it finally happened, just as clear as cable. The picture screen changed but it looked good.

Time for bed. Thank GOD, Monday is finally over.

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