Stackable Step Question?

Does anyone know if you can buy that top that goes on the stackable risers that they show in some of the video's? I'm new to Cathe so maybe this has been asked before. Or maybe it's no longer for sale if it ever was?
You have to make it yourself! If you are interested, I think you can email Erin at [email protected]--she'll email the instructions (Erin, I hope that was ok to tell Katie!)
Otherwise, many people use the Rubbermaid step stool/tool box available at Target for about $15. I use it and it is perfect :) Wendy
Home made

Katie, SNM made those themselves for the Pure Stength Series. Unfortunately the manufacturer didn't think there would be enough interest to make it profitable and manufacture them, HA...little do they know the spending power of us home exercisers;-), but if you are interested in making one yourself, Erin (a regular here) has some great instructions from when she made her own version. The biggest challenge is finding an affordable topper to cut up:).

RE: Home made

Thanks you guys. I e-mailed her. It's too bad they don't sell those because once you have the long step for Cathe tapes it would be so great to just use the risers with a small topper for FIRM type workouts. It would be such a great space saver.
Thanks again for your help.
The Mini Step web site!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-25-01 AT 09:28AM (Est)[/font][p]This timing is incredible! Just this weekend my husband and I made a web site with the instructions and pics on it to make everything more easily accessible. This way, as long as someone can find the web link in a thread, they don't have to wait for me to check my email before they can have what they need. :) As always, people can still feel free to email me with any questions, but this will help streamline the process. AND I don't have to worry that I've missed anyone when we go through a flurry of people who want the instructions. ( It seems to happen in spurts, so it has happened more than once. ) I emailed Katie with the link, but just in case this thread stirs up some more interest . . . :)

Here's the link:

It isn't fancy, but it's everything you need to make your mini ( except the actual materials ;-) ). Good luck!


P.S. The link didn't come up as a link, so I'm trying to fix it. :) You may end up having to copy and paste it in to get there. Horrors! ;-)
RE: The Mini Step web site!

Thanks so much Erin!! My Dad has a woodshop so I'll definately be going there to do this project. You have really put some time into this and I'm sure everyone really appreciates it as I do. Thanks again. I'll be hunting for a cheap step somewhere.
RE: The Mini Step web site!

I got Erin's instructions a while back and while I have not made my topper yet, I just wanted to let everyone know I bought my long step that I intend to cut up on ebay for $20.00. If you keep an eye out, you can get a pretty good deal. Be careful, though, about shipping. Some charge way too much. Be sure to email the seller first and find out. I think I paid only like $8.00 for shipping. I can't really remember. Another step sold just two days ago with risers for only about $5.00 and shipping was $25.00. So $30.00 for a step with risers is great.

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