Squeeze during weight lifting


Cathe - and all,
I have been using your tapes for about 2 years and I love them - I cannot wait until you send the new ones!

My question is this - in most of your weight lifting segments you say to squeeze the muscle during a lift -
What is the result of doing this? What happens if you don't 'squeeze'?

Thank you!
Squeeze during the lift!

What I am referring to is contracting the muscle as you lift the weight up(or during the exhertion phase). While nothing negative will happen if you don't do this, you will get a better contraction(therefore better results)if you do do this. Here is why....By squeezing the specific muscle while lifting the weight, you are putting greater emphasis and focus on the muscle group. This concentrated effort brings greater blood flow to the muscle, encourages greater muscle fiber stimulation, and reduces the chances of momentum taking over. So keep squeezin'

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