squats vs lunges

That's a great point Kathryn. Those low squats(full squats) can be knee unfriendly for sure.
T. :)
RE: My answer comes

And then the inevitable dry line from A-Jock. Geez.....what drivel this thread became.
Apologies to the original poster, I tried to answer with what I know but as usual I have someone chewing on my pants leg.....
To my proofreader Maximus...

a Google search of the word "kinesiologic" gives 913 instances of the word being used, often in medical journals. Just because it isn't in dictionary.com doesn't mean it isn't a word.
As for "intensites" where I meant "intensities", excuse me for actually misspelling a word when typing early in the morning. An obvious oversight by me. Yuk Yuk Yuk..let's all have a laugh about that one okay!
Let's see how this thread just went----
1. I try to answer a poster's question
2. I take off handed potshots from Maximus
3. I read dry humor/statement from A-Jock
4. Rinse and repeat.

Aerosmith has a song called SOS ---Same Old ####
I'm out of here.....

Just my two cents here, but I think when someone asks a question on this forum about FITNESS (imagine that! a "real" fitness question!!), it should be answered, complicated or not. There's nothing "wrong" with complicated answers which show the person answering has actually done research to augment their own experience. Personally, I am wary of anyone's advice in "real" or "cyber" life that is based solely on one or the other - either only doing the exercises or only reading about them. The science of exercise is constantly evolving and there are true beginners on here looking for real advice. They could do the research themselves, but sometimes it's easier to ask a large group to share what they've read and learned, and what their own personal experiences are. Just because you feel something, personally, and don't care to know what the current research says, does not make an answer which takes the research into consideration wrong or overly complicated. What concerns me most about how these threads seem to turn into personal attacks is that the person asking the original question not only does not often get their question answered, but has to sift through people's obvious dislike of each of other to find any answers at all. IMHO, none of this drivel belongs on a fitness forum, and why Cathe puts up with it at all is something I will never understand.

There are ways to answer a question without taking pot shots at the others answering as well, but I have yet to see "certain posters" actually do that. Your personal experiences may be valuable, but I wouldn't put any stock in them personally because of the way you speak to people on here. Your posts come across as if your opinions are the only ones that matter. There are lots of people on here who have been lifting a long time as well (myself included!!), but they take the time to learn the current research as well. There is nothing wrong or complicated about that. It's called working out smart.

I apologize if I offended anyone (I admit I have a pet peeve about throwing big words around--I was taught in grad school that less is more).

And let me just say that other than that one poster, I appreciate the knowledge and diverse opinions of everyone on this board, not to mention the fact that I genuinely like those who I've gotten to know (as much as you can get to know someone through cyberspace).

I truly hope I have not come off as pompous or a know it all, or that I've personally attacked anyone--all I know is what's worked for me, & I certainly don't think that my way is the only way. Even though I've been doing this for a long time, I have learned a great deal from others in this forum & will continue to do so.
I enjoy reading both of their posts, one b/c of their educational info and the other b/c of their practical experience. I just wish there wasn't the antagonism b/t the parties. :( /karen
Hi Karen --
Rest assured I have put everything I have typed in here to practical use, over a long period of time. The insinuation that I only read, and not perform, this stuff is what hacked me off. I bust my ass everyday, and no one is going to try to make it seem otherwise.
And I apologize for the antagonism between myself and the other, but that's life I am afraid.
I've learned alot in here from many people. If I see stuff that doesn't make sense, though, it's going to be pointed out.
Anyway, this thread has gone into the crapper and it's probably time to move on.........
Okay, I'm angry and I'm only going to say this once.

Cathe, Chris and staff have enough to do without having to police us. Aren't we grown-up enough to self-police? It's not rocket science. Express any opinion you want, just do it curteously. Disagree with the statement, but don't attack the person who made it. It's that simple. If anyone isn't grown-up enough to understand this rule, I propose that we all ignore him/her on every other post until he/she just goes away.

-Nancy :)

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