Spri Products


Hi, everyone!

I have read that Spri Products has the most reasonable prices for extra risers and step platforms. I have tried several times to get onto their website, but the reply is always that the "page cannot be found".

The address I have been using is www.spriproducts.com. Is that the correct address?

I would really appreciate any help--the correct online address, their phone number, etc. I am going to make a mini-step topper (like in PS) and need to purchase a new platform to replace the one I will be cutting apart, plus a couple of extra risers to be able to bring it to a 16-inch height. I can hardly wait to get started on this project!! Can anyone help me out?

Thank you so much! :)
mini step

Hi Denise,
I also wanted to just mention that a really cheap alternative is the Rubbermaid Step Stool/Toolbox available at Target. I don't want to crush you excitement! Just wasn't sure if you were aware of this option...
Wow, what would I do without all of you?! Thank you so much for your replies!

Debbie, I tried to get on the site using your link, plus several different avenues I tried--still "no page found"! It's strange, because I can get on the fwonline site, as well as all the others I have tried, without a problem. Maybe it's the little angel on my shoulder's way of saying "don't do it--don't buy more STUFF!". :) But--aha! I have the phone number now thanks to Haslina! Thank you also, Haslina for the link to the extra risers--hopefully I'm not too late!

Wendy, thank you--I am aware of the Rubbermaid Step/Stool, and actually came sooooo close to purchasing one last week. What a great deal! Then I saw the mini-topper again--have to have it! The great versatility of it, and the fact that I would be able to set it up to 16" (or higher, of course, but I can't see that happening!) for hover squats--too enticing for me! I have stools and makeshift items of all kinds in my workout room, and I will finally be able to pare down by having this one item.

DH is nice enough to say that he will make the topper for me, but I will make sure I am supervising--I just know he will try to do it WITHOUT the directions! It's a guy thing! haha

I will second the suggestion for the Rubbermaid tool box step. It's a much cheaper substitution and requires no work on your part except to go to the store and buy it. I got mine at Target.
RE: mini step

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-23-02 AT 09:36AM (Est)[/font][p]I read this and want to know a little more.....I just received my first Cathe video "Bodymax" and realized (duh!) I don't have a step. The one I looked at was a Reebok priced at $80.00....a little more than I want to pay. I want the best deal I can get...please tell me about this stepstool....I went to Target last night but didn't see what you are talking about...I'm thinking that maybe I overlooked it due to the picture I had in mind.

Thank you so much!
Curious.....what is this mini-topper you mentioned...I am new to the step workout and looking for a step myself....


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