Spot Training


It has been said you can not spot train a certain area right? Well then, would it make sense to train your legs 2 or even 3 times a week? I'm asking because my legs are my weak area and I always wonder if I'm making myself crazy trying to work them so much.
You can gain muscle and definition in a particular area by working it, but you can't remove fat from a particular area by exercising that area. You really get no choice about where the fat disappears from - could be places that you really would like to keep some fat, like your boobs or booty. And you don't get a choice about where it piles on, either! But muscle looks great, is functional, and the more you have of it, the higher your metabolism will be.
doesn't spot training help burn the fat in the muscle so your body can burn the fat over the muscle in the area more efficiently?
Well, training legs might boost your metabolism & help you burn fat, which happens when you train larger muscle groups.

Plus, I don't know about you guys, but my leg routine is pretty darned close to cardio--I'm pretty sure my HR is in a good zone during that intense 40 minutes. ;)
Well, training legs might boost your metabolism & help you burn fat, which happens when you train larger muscle groups.

Plus, I don't know about you guys, but my leg routine is pretty darned close to cardio--I'm pretty sure my HR is in a good zone during that intense 40 minutes. ;)

ITA, leg w/o really get my HR up there.
doesn't spot training help burn the fat in the muscle so your body can burn the fat over the muscle in the area more efficiently?

Muscle doesn't have fat "in" it. Fat is stored under the skin, and sometimes on the heart, liver, and some organs. Fat cells and muscle cells are totally different kinds of cells, which is why muscle can't turn into fat anymore than toenails or hair can turn into fat.

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