Split workout over 2 consecutive days

Due to time constraints and my job, I usually can't get in a full hour for a workout in the evenings (or mornings). If I split an STS workout into two consecutive days of about 30 minutes each (maybe overlap a few of the exercises) will I see any benefit? Or am I just wasting my time. It is easier for me to do 6 days of exercise of 30 minutes each then find the time to do a full hour + stomach 3x's a week.
I was always told that you dont want to work on one body part 2 consecutive days in a row to give it time to rebuild. So Im not sure if this would work
are you just lifting or are you doing cardio as well? if just lifting you can do 6 days per week of sts like this:
monday: 30 min disc 1
tuesday: 30 min disc 2
wednesday: 30 min disc 3
thursday: last 30 min disc 1
friday: last 30 min disc 2
sat: last 30 of disc 3

if you want to fit cardio in, do the first 30 min of each workout on monday, wednesday, friday with cardio on the inbetween days and then the following week do the second 30 min of each workout. actually i really like that idea and might tryin it myself
Ooh. I like that idea, too.

I'm home on maternity leave currently and don't have 1 hour in one stretch either. I typically do half of an hour of one disc in the morning and half an hour in the evening (trying to add my own warmup and stretch as appropriate). Not sure if this is the perfect way to lift, but I'm on disc 24 and have seen AMAZING RESULTS. Ok. I still have more baby weight to lose, :) but it's amazing how much stronger I am (I felt like my muscles almost atrophied while pregnant).

Have a great day,

P.S. On another note, I just have to say wow and wow again to the leg trisets in meso 2. I couldn't do the paper plate slides in meso 1 but stuck with them with no weight. I feel so much stronger in meso 2 and am surprisingly sliding away now. Also, the last chest/shoulders/triceps in meso 2 and their drop sets have absolutely spent me. I'm taking a few extra days off before the last disc (24: back/biceps) and adding in more stretching to recover. What an amazing series. Meso 2 and the leg workouts are actually my favorite so far!

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