Spinning Bike Question

What bike would you recommend and why? I am looking into purchasing a spinning bike. Also, what DVD's would you recommend? Any information would be greatly appreciated.
I bought a revmaster from brandcycle online a few months ago and I love it. This is a high-end bike, but I wanted to be sure I got one that would last. Spinervals are hard!!! I love Coach Troy. You can get a lot of information at videofitness.com about them. There are reviews and if you type spinervals or spinning in the search engine you will get a bunch of info. Start with the easier ones!. There are SHORT clips at spinervals.com, but nashbar, performance and cyclefixx frequently have great sales on them. Since I don't run , I think spinning has taken my endurance to a whole new level and I have lots(!) of room to grow and my knees and pf don't bother me! Marnie
I have Johnny G bike and really like it.


Thanks for the info. I have been doing research on Spinervals and will definately start with the easier ones and work up. I have been running, but it has been taking a toll on my knees and back and need another high energy, calorie burning exercise that is LOW IMPACT. Thus, enter spinning. I will check out Revmaster, as I have been checking out some of the bikes on amazon.com, especially the Kettler Indoor Spin Bike, a good price point with free shipping. Again, thanks for the info and insight.

Linda, I was also a long distance runner - marathoner - for more than a decade and had to switch to low impact. You will love spinning! :) Mari
I was running 5-7 miles a day and had to stop due to problems w/knees and my back. I thought I would die, but I have to switch to low impact. I can do the step DVD's of Cathe's but that pounding of running, after a while does take its toll. I have taken spinning classes and think they are just as tough for conditioning and endurance, and of course calorie burning. Thanks, I am still researching and will make my decision by the weekend. Heck, already purchased a spinerval DVD on ebay!!!!

Well, after research and the prices going up on these bikes, due to the winter, I have made a decision.

First, I was going to get the StarTrac V Bike, and then went on amazon.com the next day and it was $150.00 more!!! Well, I said this is ridiculous and crazy. I am not paying over 800.00 for a bike, I am sorry but to go up that much in less than 12 hours!!!

Then, I decided on the Multisport ENC 500. Well, it is backed ordered until NOV 30!!! Even though ifitnessdirect.com has it on its site as IN STOCK!!

Well, ifitnessdirect.com was nice enough to give me the same price of the 500 for the 550, which is in stock!!! The rep called me first thing this morning, apologized, said he will have the web site fixed and offered me the same price for a better bike!!!

Yippeeeee...my low impact, high energy, ultra conditioning and endurance will now begin!!!!

A moment of silence, if you please, to acknowledge my NB running shoes....even though I love to run, I still need knees and a BACK to function for my remaining days....R.I.P....old friend.....;-)
Yeah! Congratulations! Let me know how you like it...I am wanting to buy one before Xmas (or maybe for Xmas). I've been checking around for a while and then stopped looking when summer came around. Now that I'm back indoors, I'm thinking about it again. Hope you enjoy it! :)


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