Spill it!


I'm starting to think about the New Year and changes I want to make.

I want to eat more fish whether my family likes it or not. (They don't.)
I want to eat more sweet potatoes too.
I want to eat slowly and mindfully.
I want to get back into yoga although I know it's ok to neglect my flexibilty while falling in love with the Body Blast Series.
I want to be a great listener and not make snap judgements and to weigh my words carefully.
I want to be better about being in the present moment instead of worrying about the thing that happened yesterday over which I have no control or something that may or may not happen tomorrow over which I have no control. Present moment, wonderful moment.
I want you all to have a fabulous 2004!

http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/user.gif Bobbi
I'd like humanity to be considered a strength rather than a weakness.
I'd like to remember "There but for the grace of God go I" every day.
I'd like to be single for one day and have a date with Edgar Martinez, who would also be single for one day, but it wouldn't matter because it would be enough just to sit across the table from him and listen to him talk about hitting a baseball.
I'd like my poor little rural public school soccer team to tie or beat our rival city private school just once.
I'd like to avoid campaign commercials, lies, and deceit, and I'd like a fair vote tally this time.
I'd like to see a roseate spoonbill and a northern cardinal, and some other eastern birds.
I'd like to be able to do a back bend and swing a softball bat as I could before back surgery two years ago.
I'd like all sentient beings everywhere to have compassion and empathy and love for one another and the earth, and express it through working against suffering, pain, anger, and hatred.
I'd like Jim Carrey to make a movie as good as Ace Ventura, Pet Detective.
I'd like Cathe to produce a new series without telling us and just suddenly next December they'd be available in VHS and DVD, no presale, no build-up, no shipping notification, just Surprise! The 2K4 Cathe Yogakickweightrobicervalates series.
I'd like to keep visiting this forum which is such a great resource for information and cameraderie.
I'd like people to stop being so self-involved.
I'd like everyone to do volunteer work on a regular basis.
I'd like terrorism to stop.
I'd like people to focus on the big picture and not petty stuff.
As for me -
I'd like to live in the moment on a more regular basis.
I'd like to behave as if the God in all life matters.
I'd like to see a good, new TV show.
I'd like to see the Grand Canyon and yodel.
I'd like to participate in a Native American ceremony.
I'd like to be a messenger of joy and laughter.
I'd like to always remember that angry people, are sad people.
I'd like to meet you all.
I’d like to eat more vegetables and less grains

I’d like to weight train three times per week, using compound exercises

I’d like to do yoga 7 days per week, or some form of stretching

I’d like to learn to love myself and put my needs first and not last

I’d like someone to teach me how to like the skin I’m in, cause I’m having such a hard time…

P.S. Wayne!

That's a discovery only you can do for yourself but the way I see it, you are on the path! Surrounding yourself with people whom you love and who love you for who you are is a great step. And you do know your name on a post means learning something and a smile and that is a gift! I used to think there was nothing perfect about me and never could be. And now I know that it is what I am and where I am at any moment as long as I love myself for fighting the good fight and trying to do better even if that does not result in a perfect that can be seen. We are in this together! You are a delight and you can do anything you put your mind to and do not doubt for a moment that the skin that you are in is just fine but never stop reaching for more and to make it better. Acceptance is where it starts but continuing the journey in spite of fear and discouragment is also key. The journey is the thing. The destination is now. Make this moment your best, always!

God bless you! I am cyber-hugging you!
http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/user.gif Bobbi
Just reread my comments and noticed that there is not much that I would change about myself. I've done it!! I'm perfecto! Alexis
I would like to be more of a servant to others, and less selfish. I am reading the 40 Days of Purpose, and it is wonderful, but oh does it humble me!!!!!

I would like to not crave ice cream.

I would like to eat healthier, and focus more on good fats, fruits, and veggies.

I would like to volunteer somewhere, a few hours a week, and do something to help others.
I really miss your little guys! Could ya just give me one more little hug? I love ya too. Let's go build a pedestal and stick someone on it. Alexis
I would like for everyone in the United States to have good health insurance and never put off seeing a doctor because they have no money.

I would like to be able to take my son who has autism to a grocery store or restaurant without everybody staring at us for once. I would like for everyone to have a mentally challenged child (just for one day) so they would quit staring and judging.

I would like for every mother in the world to feel good about herself and her choices whether she works outside the home or inside the home, whether she earns money or not, I want mothers to feel valued every minute of every day.
(((((((((( ALEXIS ))))))))))))))))))))

I'm building that pedastal as we speak!!!!! LOL!!

:) :) :) :) :) :)
1. I will spread positive karma
2. I will remember that I am worthy of self-respect
3. I will remember that I am the only one who can teach others how to treat me.
4. I will remember that all human beings are worthy of respect, and treat them that way.
5. I will honor my body by taking care of it.
6. I will honor my mind by not filling it with garbage.
7. I will honor my soul by not filling it with garbage.
8. I will tell my husband and my daughter every day the three little words that make everything better ... "I love you"
9. I will remember that just as I am the only one responsible for my actions and behaviors, the same applies to others, and I will not let them bring me down accordingly when they appear to have forgotten that.

Who is running this world? Why aren't we? It be one I would love to live in! I love my life but it is not without an acute awareness of the pain and suffering of others. Yet I feel powerless to do much about it. I do what I can and I know I have made a difference in some lives but it's never enough. Enough is what I want for everyone. Enough love, enough food and health care. No abuse, and love, love, love. More. more of those are what we need. There's so much to go around. There has got to be a way!

You guys make me so proud to know you!

http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/user.gif Bobbi

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