Special edition Pink Step

>The special edition step from the blog is so cool. I would
>love a pink step. Wish it was the full size though.

Me too! I want a full size pink step!! I'm tired of my "blah" grey one!!

Wouldn't it be cool if the step came with interchangable "tops" for the platform in a mulitude of colors so you could change it depending on your mood....or to match your outfit!:7
too bad it is not full size..even though my current full size step is in great condition..i would buy it in a heartbeat!!!
AS I walked in my third Race for the Cure, , the second time with a pink shirt instead of white, I said to my surgeon, who walked with me, "There will never be a cure for breast cancer because there's just too much damn money to be made."

She agreed that more people seem to be hanging their hat on the pink tree these days than before.

I've seen everything from pink shoeslaces, pink water bottles, pink food processors and stand mixers, and everything in between.

In our "survivor goody bag" one year, McDonald's donated a pin with a pink "M" on it and an exercise CD - the exercisers were animated! Can you believe it? If McDonald's actually gave a frog's fat a$$ about our health, don't you think they'd just close?

I'll take my special cynic pill today and say, "Keep your pink step and just find me the damn cure."

Susan L.G.
I agree, Susan.

I just give my money directly to the Cancer Society--stating that I don't want any of the pink junk they want to send me. If a company wants to give some of the money from the sale of their products to Breast Cancer research, and they HAVE to use pink somewhere on it, why can't they discreetly hide some small logo on the product? While I'd love for some of my money for purchases to go to a good cause, I'm not really into the pepto color scheme.
Thanks for the props TeTe.

Did I mention yet that I found an ad for pink TicTacs the coupons section of this Sunday's paper?

Screw eating the TicTacs - do your self exam.

Sorry to be so blunt. That big cynic pill I ate for breakfast was pink - did I mention that too? - LOL!

DH and I also give directly to the Cancer Society as well.

Susan L.G.
Now, Susan, "cynic" is such a harsh word...I prefer to think of myself as a "realist!"

Pink TicTacs, indeed.

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