Sound familiar?

It reminded me of the "Tickle-Me Elmo" craziness years ago. When people were paying huge amounts of money for the things, and then after the crisis, the prices went back down again.
It reminded me of the "Tickle-Me Elmo" craziness years ago. When people were paying huge amounts of money for the things, and then after the crisis, the prices went back down again.
This all happened last year with the XBox 360. People were waiting in line for days (of course I didn't hear of any shootings then) and then they were being sold on ebay for ridiculous amounts of money. Ah, the gaming industry.

And I am glad that Cathe's dvd's are sold on-line only. Whew, what a commotion that would have caused.

This all happened last year with the XBox 360. People were waiting in line for days (of course I didn't hear of any shootings then) and then they were being sold on ebay for ridiculous amounts of money. Ah, the gaming industry.

And I am glad that Cathe's dvd's are sold on-line only. Whew, what a commotion that would have caused.

Me I want the New
>Nintendo WII but won't stand in line for it.

oh yeah they were showing this on the today show this morning. they showed one of their reporters playing a boxing game and he was working up a sweat b/c when you hold the controls, it mimics your movements, but i think it also works like a regular controller too where you just sit there and push your buttons. that one is only $250 i think but the games are always outragoeus prices. might be someting to look into for viola's b-day. she can't handle hit this b button while pressing up. i think mimiciing the moves would do her much better.


"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"
Me I want the New
>Nintendo WII but won't stand in line for it.

oh yeah they were showing this on the today show this morning. they showed one of their reporters playing a boxing game and he was working up a sweat b/c when you hold the controls, it mimics your movements, but i think it also works like a regular controller too where you just sit there and push your buttons. that one is only $250 i think but the games are always outragoeus prices. might be someting to look into for viola's b-day. she can't handle hit this b button while pressing up. i think mimiciing the moves would do her much better.


"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"

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