Barry's Boot camp. It isn't that it was awful and I have to admit I only completed the legs/butt video so far...but I did watch the arms/abs video so far and I just think the quality of the video itself was not great (maybe Cathe spoils me with her great choreography, filming, etc). So, after watching it last night I thought well, it isn't the background people, taping, etc, that matters - it is the workout itself. Sure I was "winded" and everything and my legs burned a little, but Nadia's count is so off (at least on Legs) that it is annoying. The exercises don't match the music which makes it hard to focus. Also, the same song keeps playing...oh sorry to sound so negative. I was just super-excited about trying something new and I didn't think it was a big deal...let me try the others though this week and I may feel differently, who knows?? What is with the people on the treadmill in the background the whole time??. Just wanted to share my honest opinion since I value all of yours so much.