Sore pubic bone?

I am 8 1/2 months pregnant and have been working out the entire time. However, lately it feels like my pubic bone or pelvic bone or whatever is down there next to my groin!:D gets sore whenever I do lunges, squats, or do lying down floorwork. Is anyone else experiencing this? Does anyone have any suggestions as to modifications to make? I don't want to stop toning my legs before I have this little one. I didn't experience this with my first pregnancy, but then again, I wasn't working out as much as with this one. I feel like I've kept my weight under good control and still feel toned, I don't want to lose any of that!
Hi Penny! Congrats of your pregancy and I am sooo thrilled to hear that you were able to workout through it all. (I laid on the couch with sickness for nine months! :-() Maybe Sheila will pop in for some advice for you but I did find a thread for you just so you know you are NOT alone. Good Luck and let us know when the lil' one arrives. :7
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hmm. That sounds vaguely familiar. I seem to recall some sort of pulling or pain "down there." Are you sure it is bone pain and not ligaments or muscles?

This has not been particularly helpful has it??
Thanks for the replies! I suppose it could be some kind of ligament "down there", but I'm not sure. If I lay off the lunges and leg work, it feels better, but even step aerobics tends to irritate it. I mean, the pain could be worse, but I just don't want to really injure myself! :eek:
Oh how I remember that pain (and it's been 4 years since I've been pregnant) LOL

I have no advice for you - but I do recall that annoying pain.

Also congrats on working out this far in your pregnancy!
Thanks DebbieH! It's nice to know that I'm not alone! I guess I'm just going to really listen to my body and take it easy on the ol' legs!

Thanks again!

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