Sore Heels--What to do?



I have a problem with my heels getting very sore after doing alot of higher impact step work. I have invested in great training shoes, have bought the little heel gel pads to try and cushion them, but it still remains very aggravating. I have since minimized using some of higher impact step tapes, and have been trying to do more cardio on the elliptical and treadmill while trying to recover. Does anybody have any advice or suggestions on what to do to help this condition?
Hi Lynn!

I don't have any medical advice for you but I know from experience in the past that stretching out REAL good before you begin really helps. You may be stretching your achilles tendon too quickly if you are not stretched out. Also, icing 15 minutes on and 45 off seems to help. I only seem to have this probalem every now & then and it seems like it is when I don't stretch real well. Hope this helps.
Heel Pain

Cathe answered this question back on 3/10/99. I tried to do a search on it but I couldn't find it. But luckily I printed it. Here is what she said to do:

You can do an ice massage. A doughnut or horseshoe shaped cushioning pad placed in the heel of your shoe can help alleviate the pain. Also:

1)For Strength: Put a 2x4 piece of wood on the floor and place your foot on top of it with your toes hanging off of the edge. Now curl your toes to grasp the edge of the wood. Hold 5 seconds and relax. do 10 repetitions.

2)For Strength: Place a few marbles on the floor and pick them up one by one with your toes. Then pick one up and place it down six inches away from the others. Do this with all of the marbles.

3)For a relaxing massage: Place a small ball on the floor (size of a raquetball) and gently roll your foot over it for a few minutes.

4)for a stretch: Grasp your toes directly at the base gently pull them back toward your shins to stretch the muscles in the bottom of the foot.

Good Luck.
You may need arch support

Sometimes if you don't have proper arch support,you may be putting pressure on your heel without realizing it. Putting pressure on the arch takes it off the heel. I would try all the advice given above and if you still have heel pain, I bet this is the reason.

Thanks so much for all of the good advice!! I will start trying some of the suggestions to see if it won't help!!!

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