sore feet


New Member
I generally do step tapes 5 or 6 days/week and have no problems with my feet or knees. However, I am now on vacation in the US for over 2 months and have been doing a lot of walking to keep in shape. Although I am using good shoes, my feet are real sore and achy. What am I doing wrong? I don't normally walk for fitness at home, so is it just that my feet need time to adjust to the new activity??
Proper walking shoes?

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jun-21-00 AT 07:30AM (EST)</font></center>

What kind of shoes are you wearing? I'ts important to wear "walking shoes." I had the same problem when my only aerobic activity was walking, it just fosters sore feet, even if you have good shoes. Only walking for cardio will kill your feet! I started cross training and have no more sore feet. I only walk one or two days a week now.
alternate shoes

Sometimes I alternate between pairs of shoes and it seems to cut down on my sore feet. I suppose the shoes complement each other since they are different manufacturers and possibly support my feet differently(?). I'm not sure why, but it seems to work for me! Hope you figure something out because sore feet can really put a damper on your fun!
Thorlo socks

Hi Nancy! I used to have very sore feet every morning. I was doing a lot of step and other cardio and when I woke up every morning I felt 80 years old from the ankles down! Achey and sore! I started wearing Thorlo socks and you would not BELIEVE the difference they made for me!! I know they are quite expensive, I initially just bought one pair and washed them out every night. That lasted about a week and I went and splurged on three more! Just another idea of something that might pamper your feet a little bit. Good luck!
An Alternative!

I found a place to order very thick and cushiony sox for $10.00 for 3 pairs! (They do charge something like 7 dollars S/H which I thought was a bit high for light sox!) The place is out of California and is called L.A.Gymmees. Their # is 1-800-496-6437. They have 3 styles~Slouch, Crew & Short. I ordered 1 slouch and 2 crews and they sent me all slouch??? I called and told them and he apologized and said he would send out my two crews for nothing and he let me keep the slouch. I just received them amd have not worn them yet but they are VERY thick and may work for you for a lot less then Thorlo's. Good Luck with your feet!

Torlo Oultlet Store

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jun-21-00 AT 06:36PM (EST)</font></center>

Statesville, NC has a great outlet store for Thorlo case you are ever in our neck of the woods (I live about an hour from there).


P.S. my typing is sad...meant to put Thorlo...

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