Sooooooooo....what did you get?


As I said, I am surprised to see people here and I probably wouldn't be if I were off of work;(
Anyway, we were up by 6 and started in on the presents.So I was wondering what treats santa brought you fine ladies???

I got mostly clothes.3 pairs of jeans,two sweaters,1 shirt,undies,socks,new winter coat,workout top,skirt,OH coffee pot with thermos mugs,make-up,DH bought me anti aging cream! (see I have a fear)my dad built me an awesome cabniet for my bathroom,adidas suit,lots of christmas decorations,2 board games,etc...the list goes on.I can't remember it all.
No big things,like treadmills,bikes or expensive jewelry.Just lots of little awesome things.
well from dh i got seasons 3-5 of OZ, an former HBO show about prison life. pretty graphic but its the only thing i can handle watching as oppose to other movies. anyway i also got iron yoga and breakthru pilates sculpt. i was suppose to also get the OMEN box set and Office Space special issue but they didn't come in.

his mom got us a new dvd/vcr player. it seems to work good but lets hope no trouble with that vcr.its jvc not emerson which we have NO luck with.

we still have my mom's to open yet. i wonder what she got me?!?!?!?! i told her not to go through any trouble but she feels this need to get everybody something.

viola got 2 pairs of shoes,socks,2 outfits, LOTS of art stuff, keyboard, and she was excited about CHIA PET. don't know but she wanted chia pet. she got some girly hair ties and clips and 2 puzzles too.

dh got a bunch of dvds,2 hickory farms beef sticks and a new wallet. my mom got him a special edition of Texas Chainsaw Massarce with the original cover when it was released in the 70's. he is going to love that. his uncle got him a cordless drill kit.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey

Do you have just the one child? Last night all of my family were at my house for dinner and my 2 neices and nephew were in and they were all excited about christmas.And I sort of felt bad for DD b/c she is an only child and won't experience the excitement with a sibling but at the same time I know she won't miss what she never had.I know what she may be missing though b/c I grew up with 2 brothers and 1 sister.And she won't experience it now b/c by the time I have another child, and that kid is old enough to be excited about christmas,she will be a teenager and will have grown out of it.
Am I making any sense? I just wanted to know if you felt the same as I did.About 4 yrs ago, I thought, o.k...this will be her last christmas without a sister or brother and then I found out that it wasn't going to be easy for us to have kids.
yes viola is our only child. i am not sure how it effects viola. she just started grasping the concept of christmas this year so i think i still have a few years before she wants a brother or sister. i am sure its different b/c i had sisters and a brother too so we all got to share in the excitment. she does her uncle danny who is actually only 9. so she does have somebody on xmas eve to share some joy. but for now she seems happy.

i believe in christmas miracles, and anything is possible ;)

When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
DH and I don't do "surprise" gifts, but we ask each other what we want and then get it (might seem crazy to some, but it works well for us and then we get what we really want). I got the Intensity Series DVD's + Terminator, Rhythmic Step DVD and Power Hour DVD (which DH won for me on ebay the other night saving us about $40) and a 1999 Volvo - which I didn't ask for and didn't know I really wanted until I got it! It was DH's idea. :) He got a 2006 Chevy Silverado Crew Cab pickup - which I didn't know he really wanted - well, I knew he wanted it but never thought he'd get it! He never liked my XTerra, so we traded it in and we have another pickup we're selling, so it's been like a used car lot around here lately!

My mom can't keep a secret so she told us her and her husband are giving us $300 and we got $200 from DH's ex-stepdad. We wish they wouldn't do that, but it's so nice of them.

My sister and I sponsor dogs for each other - I get a dog sponsored from which helps pit bulls and my sister's new favorite animal welfare oranization is Pasado, which she learned about after they did so much to help Katrina animal victims.

I'm off to cook for the family coming over. That's the best part!

I hope everyone has a very blessed Christmas!


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France
ah so cool my mom got me brooks running pants. might be a few days before i squeeze into them LOL. but i can't believe she got them,i know they aren't that cheap,but man am i so happy to have another pair.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
I got what I wanted,,, I asked a health club Step Bench, 44 inch. long, my son in law gave it to me!!!!!!!!!!! I was so happy,,,, course the minute I saw the wrapped package I knew it was it,, it was obvious,,,hahahahaaaaaaaaaa... I am really really happy..... I also got a digital camara, a Kodak easy share,,, wohoooo
The cutest pocketbook! Can't believe my BF found a bag that's absolutely perfect for me--I am so fussy when it comes to my bags, but he found something that's perfect. Poor guy, I got him clothes!! :(
I got the most beautiful quilt that my DIL made me. She took pictures of my children and, in chronological orderd down the quilt, she took them from babies up to where she met my DS, then their picture when they were dating, their wedding picture, their first "child", they 2 year old boxer named Ginger (my granddog I guess:+ ) and then a picture of DIL pinning DS's sgt's stripes on him when he was promoted to sgt. She zigzagged a finishing stitch on the bottom so she can add to the quilt as time goes on. I am going to get a picture trail up soon and show a picture of this. It is incredible!! She used the computer to scan the pictures onto special fabric, etc. then sewed the quilt together.

DD gave DH and I a gift certificate to our favorite fish camp, gave me a gift certifate to Victoria Secret and DH a gift cert to a local western clothing store so he can get a Cinch shirt.

I got one of those massaging mats that goes in your chair from DIL and DS also.

MIL/FIL gave us $200 apiece.

DH and I didn't exchange gifts this year. He is building a new barn and I had to pay for a trip to Europe I'm taking this Spring, so we decided to not do anything this year.

All in all, an fabulous Christmas!
I got a pull up tower, heart rate monitor, a few books, lighted makeup mirror, money, and a couple of shirts. Everything I asked for and then some......
I got Dance Dance Revolution! I've been wanting it forever. The bummer is, I also got sick and don't feel like playing it.

My son made me the best present of all, though -- a DVD, set to music, of some of our old family pictures. He made it in school and took a lot of time with it to do it right. It even has a DVD menu, so we can choose from pictures of grandparents, parents, or the boy. And he made different DVD labels and covers for us and for each of the sets of grandparents. A very cool gift!

Oh, my!!! It was quite a Christmas...

DD got her portable DVD player, sweet pea stuff from Bath and Body (that's been her nickname since before she was born, thank goodness she LOVES the scent!), DVD's, CD's, a bow and arrow (she's a tomboy, too!) a ton of clothes, and other small stuff...

DH got "manly" stuff for the shop: retractable air hose reel, a new neon Bud Light sign, welding coat, dual action sander...Boring stuff to us gals!

I got the Club step, high step (with circut), Boot Camp/Muscle Endurance, GS tris and chest, 2 workout outfits, a new gooseberry patch cookbook, slippers (they've been on my list for 3 years, and I refused to buy them myself!), jammies and a sweater from Victoria's Secret, 4, 4 packs of foam "puzzle" mats for the basement, and a good size George Foreman grill (so DH doesn't have to grill outside in the middle of the winter!)...

This year was "stuff" overkill at our house...I'm hoping next year isn't this crazy!

I got: a treadmill, clothes and a corn pillow (pillow you put in the microwave and it stays warm FOREVER), bath and body gift card

Caleb got: PSP games and movies, clothes, The Rocker (tv chair w/ speakers in it), cd walkman w/ bass boost (he begged for this), PS2/XBOX games, boxers (he hates tighty whities) and other stuff.

Sarah got: tv, fish tank, portable dvd player w/ case, Bratz, real meal oven, gameboy sp (they were fighting over Caleb's), clothes and tons of small girly things

Isaac got : clothes, cars, gameboy sp, leap frog stuff and small stocking stuffers

My kids also got a 40 dollar target gift card each. I think my husband helped circuit city make their sales quota this month :eek: It was worth it though to see the smiles on my kids faces. I came w/in a gnats a** of getting my husband to turn in the blazer and the camaro and get a new extended cab pickup. He was okay w/ everything until they told us the monthly payment. :-( I would rather use that money to keep remodeling the house. Oh, I also get my patio concrete extended in the back. YEAH! Hope everyone had a nice Christmas and spent a lot of time w/ family.

I wonder what Cathe got?

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