Something Else to Read Out Loud (Not a Tongue Twister)


Read this slowly out loud:

I am wee Todd did.
I am sofa king wee Todd did.

If you don't get it right away, keep reading it; you'll get it.

RE: Something Else to Read Out Loud (Not a Tongue Twist...

This is definitely something to pass on (but it's better to be there when the person reads it out loud). A friend of mine handed it to me at a dinner party. I did what she said and read it out loud slowly. It took me a couple of times to get it, but I thought it was hilarious!

I saw a licence plate one time that said, "Sofa King." My husband and I cracked up and wondered if the driver owned a furniture store or if he had heard the joke.
RE: Something Else to Read Out Loud (Not a Tongue Twist...

A few years ago on a local morning show, one of the DJs asked the other to say the second phrase listed above. DJ#2 said it a few times but didn't get it. So DJ#1 played the recording back at a faster speed and it was hilarious! For a while there, whenever DJ#2 did something stupid they would play back the recording. It cracked me up every time!:D
He, he he, he, he, he, he. You said sofa king. He, he.

That was too funny. I have to go tell my XSO he's sofa king wee Todd did. }(
must be cause English is not my first language, but I don't get it... someone explain? I've tried saying it slow, fast, repeatedly, etc. What am I supposed to be "hearing"?

Dutchie, who isn't clever enough :)

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