some short videos


New Member
I love cathe videos and own several. (My favorite is probably Power Max, but Mega Step Blast, Step Heat and Step Works are also wonderful.) I do them every Saturday and Sunday. During the week, however, I have to use Crunch videos because I can only fit in a 1/2 hour workout. Is Cathe considering doing any 30-minute advanced step workouts? If so, I'd love to own them!
Short workouts!

Actually the new six pack cross trainers that we are doing feature advanced 30 minute cardio workouts. They all will follow with about 15 to 20 minutes of weight work, but you can just by pass that if you need to.
Short Workouts

I sometimes have difficulty fitting in an entire one-hour workout during the week! These new videos should really help out -- I've been using the Firm for shorter workouts during the week and am ready for some new advanced shorter-length workouts. Thanks, Cathe! Can't wait!
me too -- can't wait!!

I am sooooo exicted for these new tapes! I'm going back into the job market real soon & I think this format will be a HUGE help in keeping me on track with my workouts.

And the new set is awesome!

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