some input (advice)



I'm a mother of 5 boy's and just recently gave birth to my first little girl! I'm looking into purchasing a baby swing for her, but they're so expensive. I was looking at Craigs list and saw a ton of adorable baby swings for fraction of the cost. Since it's my first little girl, I'm feeling guilty for purchasing use items for her, I feel like she should be spoiled and everything I purchase should be new, since it's my first little girl. But I'm also not materialistic and I understand that she will probably use it temporary than it will go either in storage or I will give it away to someone in need. What is your imput and if this was your first little angel girl, would you purchase everything new for her or would you be ok with hand me downs? Thank you!

Hand-me-downs or used items are absolutely fine. Just make sure they are in good shape and clean ofcourse!

Hand-me-downs or used items are absolutely fine. Just make sure they are in good shape and clean ofcourse!


Heck I'm with Wendy. Unless you have disposable income go for the hand me downs. I saved my son's overalls and pants and used them for my daughter. She won't know the difference. All kids need is love.
6 kids!!! Wow talk about super mom.
I'm with everyone else... used stuff saves money and the kids don't know the difference, save the money and enjoy your precious girl (and 5 boys, WOWSA, supermom for sure!) :D
She won't remember. And, she probably won't care. The baby dolly that I have kept all these years was a 3 dollar purchase at a garage sale. I didn't love her because she was new, I loved her because she was mine.

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