Solid - but BIG thighs!



HELP! I have a question regarding thighs & ones quad muscles. I was pretty competitive in a specific sport growing up and have huge thighs. They are very solid and full of muscle, but never the less they are absolutely huge. So much so that it is almost impossible to find "loose" fitting pants. You know you have to buy them to fit the leg and then have all other parts altered. Is there a way to reduce the size of ones thighs if it is muscle?
I have done the old fashioned hi aerobics, am a lover of step, and for the last year (due to lots of job travel) have taught myself to enjoy running. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

Hi KRS! If it is in your genetic makeup to have strong thighs, then it will be difficult to alter them drastically.

But what you can do to help the situation is ease off a bit on intense training. You can do this numerous ways. Some examples are: 1) Cut back on the amount of days you do heavy leg cardio. 2) Do a high intensity cardio day, a light intensity cardio day, and a day off of cardio (and just keep doing this cycle. 3) If you do weight training, try training your legs with lighter weights and higher reps.

Obviously good eating is a necessity too. I bet your legs look great. Fit legs are beautiful! :)!

Thanks SO much for the info. Yes genetics does play a big part and I need to accept and move on. Thanks for the suggestions on the variations in training. It was great to get a reply from you! Thanks again!
I have big legs, too, and I find that I'm doing good when I incorporate more walking in with my Stepping. I am also going to lighten up on my weights for leg work. If your going to have big legs, have GREAT big legs!! ;-)

I think my legs have more shape since I've been doing a combo of one day of an MIS type leg workout plus a day of Leaner Legs and additional inner and outer thigh work. I use resistance tubing for the latter. I guess it's a trade off....I never have trouble with my mid-section, and I have muscles that you can see there. We are all different, don't ya know?!

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