So You Think You Can Dance


Did anyone else watch this last night? I was so delighted that Danny and Sabra were in the final two. They were my favorite dancers all year. I think Sabra was the right one to win. She is such a versatile dancer and could perform anything put in front of her. Danny was just AMAZING! I could watch him dance all night! When they were announced as the top 2, I told my husband that I didn't care which one won! They were my top 2 all season and I wouldn't have wanted to choose.

The only downfall is that our satellite signal went out with about an hour and ten minutes left in the show. We could hear it but we couldn't see it. We ended up switching over to local signal and at least were able to watch a "snowy" fuzzy version of the show. This always seems to happen during finale shows on Fox. Anyone else have this problem?
I haven't watched it yet but I TIVOd it so I hope I have it all. Danny and Sabra were my favorites too. I wanted Danny to win but I loved Sabra too. Danny was just awesome to watch. I can never take my eyes off him. I really liked him and Lacey doing the samba a couple of weeks ago. It's really amazing Sabra has only been dancing for 4 years. She's phenomenal. She could do anything they threw at her.

My husband and I have watched all three seasons of this show, and this was our favorite so far (we even got tickets to the tour :p ). It's such a refreshing change after American Idol all spring, to see a show that is so all-around positive, and with such a high quality of talent. It's definitely not a cheap or smutty show like some of the reality TV out there, and we really enjoy it.

Totally agree with all of you about Sabra and Danny. Sabra was the right person to win, but I have to admit that I've had quite the crush on Danny all season (yeah, even though I'm 90% sure he's gay). He's SO yummy, such a great smile, and really the most amazing dancer they've had in all three seasons. I loved when Mia called him the "Stallion of Dance". :9

Sad that the show is over, but looking forward to next year.
I was happy Sabra won, but all four of the top four were good, IMO.
I thought it was a shame, though, that they announced the winner right at the end of the time period, so Sabra didn't get a chance to say anything or bask in her win on TV.
I was amazed that she's only been dancing for 4 years (though maybe doing something like gymnastics?)
I also thought that Sabra and Danny had the best bods of the top 10!
>The only downfall is that our satellite signal went out with
>about an hour and ten minutes left in the show. We could hear
>it but we couldn't see it. We ended up switching over to
>local signal and at least were able to watch a "snowy" fuzzy
>version of the show. This always seems to happen during
>finale shows on Fox. Anyone else have this problem?

There have been a couple episodes of this show where the picture freezes, or pixilates. Hasn't happened on any other show, and it happened a couple of times last night as well. (I just have regular cable).
Was anyone else really annoyed that they hyped up, on both nights, Nigel and Cat dancing together and then gave us that stupid animated bit? We couldn't believe it! It would've been okay if they had just thrown it in, but they had to have mentioned it at least 5+ times leading up to it, and we were actually excited to see them dance. We were so busy feeling cheated that it actually distracted us from the last few minutes of the show. :p
I know what you mean. . . They did hype this quite a bit but I did find myself laughing out loud while watching. :) I kept thinking when they were teasing us about staying tuned to see Nigel and Cat dance that it seemed odd. I don't know if either of them has a dance background. Nigel seems knowledgeable but maybe as a judge only? Cat was always saying things like "I can't move that way" So I wasn't quite sure what they would be doing.

BTW, I love this show and will miss it now that it's over. I DVR'd it and didn't watch it until this morning. Then I went back and watched my favorite routines a second time at which point DH came in and asked "You're watching this a SECOND time?"

I'm fairly certain that Nigel is, or at least was, a ballroom dancer earlier in his career. I don't think Cat is a dancer, but hey, neither is Jerry Springer and he was able to get up in front of the country on Dancing with the Stars and do halfway decent. I guess I thought that Nigel was going to teach Cat a fairly basic dance and it was going to be cute. Oh well!
I am so glad Sabra won! I think Danny was the better dancer, but Sabra was more versatile and it was time for a female to win since the past two winners were male.
Oh yes, the animated portion was just stupid. I wonder how much money Jib Jab paid to get their names on the air like that???

I also did not appreciate Nigel's comments regarding the show needing a "female winner". I really think that was a biased remark that should have been edited out.

I also liked both Danny and Sabra, but by the end I was pulling for Danny more. He just lights up the stage, and you can see that this boy was put on this earth to dance, plain and simple. I think Sabra will have a nice career, but don't be surprised if Danny is the one you hear about in the Dance world..

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