So...Who is going to do the Aug. Rotation???


So, who is up for the challenge? I'm still debating giving this one a whirl. I calculated the times and most days run around 80 to 95 min. or so. There are a couple of days(o.k. maybe a few) that will take 2 hours. I am a teacher and move into a new school tomorrow(I can make up my own schedule for the next couple of weeks) then I have to report to school on Aug. 15 and students start Aug. 22 so by the time I HAVE to report I would be halfway through the rotation and on the last week of the rotation when my students start. If I do this I may have to plan for extra rest days and sub other cardio(maybe lower intensity) for some of the running(HOT, HUMID weather here). I will also sub PH(I think) instead of doing the non video workouts. I'm also thinking I will do KM on Thurs. of week 4...too much leg work in a row for me. And instead of the fitness fiesta(Monday week 3) I will do GS Legs/400 sit ups/50 push ups. Anyway, that is what I was thinking. Anyone else? Would anyone be interested in a check in?
I am not able to do the rotation as it is right now, but I am taking certain exercises and adding it to my own rotation. So I guess I will not be doing it. But maybe in a few months.

I am going to do it.I have already compiled everything in my note book and wrote all the wt exercise's and poundage.I started a new notebook to keep it seperate from my regular workouts.It took me awhile to average out the times and write everything down-I will most likely have to break some up into a.m and p.m workouts when going over 80 min.But I am ready-it's been awhile since I did body max (I hate chorographed stuff)but I don't think this one was to hard to learn.I hope this will melt some fat-I wish she would have put some running in the first week I will miss my cardio coach workouts.But there is running in the rotation so I am sure to get my fill.I enjoy going out of my comfort level and reaching for a higher one.
I'm planning on doing it. Although, I do have some gym classes I don't want to miss, that I need to work in there somehow.

A check-in would be great!
I'm debating it. I was taking a mini break from Cathe and it's only been 1 week off of Cathe. I was aiming for 2. Also, I'm going on vacation at the end of August, so I won't be able to finish it. Lastly, I will have to modify some of it slightly due to time constraints and not being able to do certain things due to my neck injury. It looks good though and I'm trying to shake things up a bit. I can't decide though cuz I think my body was getting to used to doing Cathe over and over.
Me. I would love a check-in too. That way we can help each other think about any subs we may hav to make. FOr example, in week one..she has 5 step workouts. 3 a week are all my knees can tolerate.

So, if we check-in, cna we offer/get any suggestions for subs? Or is the check-in for those who will follow it to the letter?

PS>>>what is a walking lunge? Weighted or not?
I'm giving it a try too. I know I'll make some modifications but I am anxious to give it a whirl. I don't run so it will be power walking and cardio for me.
Good luck to everyone. I think there is gonna be a check in for it.
I am going to do it as I need a nice 'jump kick'. One thing, however, I know crosstraining is very important, but I don't run. This may sound stupid, but what should I do on the 'running' days Cathe has outlined within this rotation? I'd really hate to substitute step since she's already got so much of that in there. I'd try running, but one of the days reads "Five miles" and that hardly seems possible for a beginner.
I think I'm gonna give it a go. I am a SAHM and get up very early to do my workouts, but still really only have about 90 minutes to dedicate to working out at one session.

Having said that...I am going to try it out.

Body Max...HERE I COME!


p.s. See you at the August Rotation Check In
Yes, count me in. I will need subs as I go along since I don't have any of the High Steps and only IMAX 3, GS Legs and Hardcore Extreme from the new series (might have to think about getting some of the others, hmmm). I also don't have Ab Hits, but isn't that a compiliation of her ab work from other work outs? This will be fun for me since I've mostly done P90X and very heavy 1 body part per day rotations. I haven't done a lot of Cathe in 6 months, so I think it will be an enjoyable difference.
Jillybean: do you jumprope? I may sub this in for some running. I live in FLA and it is hot and humid. Jumproping in the ac with music blasting is a lot more fun, but I will try not to sub too much if I can help it. I don't know how I can run adding hills, either, since it is flat here. I'll have to think about that. Maybe do it as an interval run since going uphill is harder? Maybe I could go to the high school and use their stadium stairs? I don't belong to a gym or have the use of a treadmill (otherwise, I'd just use the incline button).
Yes, jillybean, I will need suggestion on what to do in place of running. I am not sure about even doing a power walk becasue it is 800 degrees outside.

oh well....we will figure this out! LOL to us!
I'm up for the challenge. I'm currently working out with a trainer but I think most of the cardio is doable for me. I actually started today with Bodymax. I too will need to change around the days a bit to get all the w/o's in. I only have an hour in the morning before work to work out and then do my wt training at lunch.

A check in would be great. Sounds like we all need the support and help out subbing w/o's throughout the month.

I think this rotation will be fun and tough. Count me in for checkin. I also don't run. I don't think I can jump rope that long either cause my bladder doesn't like that either. Any ideas for something in place of the run? Imaxes? Talk to you at checkins.
I only run when the weather is perfect and it hasn't been perfect for a while so I was thinking on the 5 mile run day I would sub LM(even though it is step I figure it is lower impact) or KM(low impact with that killer 15 min. blast) or for the effect of running some hills I may program my DVD player to do one kicking/punching combo then 2 or 3 blasts and alternate like that. If the weather is nice I will do a walk/run. Another idea I had to sub for running was SB/SJP cardio circuit premix. That gets my heart rate up but it doesn't absolutely slay(sp?) me. I don't know if I will do that many lunges. I would want to do them outside and it's so hot and muggy and well, my neighbors will think I am nuts...tee hee! I know I shouldn't care what they think. My house is small so I could only do 2 or 3 in one direction before having to turn around. I kind of got a head start and did the first workout tonight so I could take a rest day tomorrow if I wanted to and not be behind. I'm a teacher and tomorrow is our first day to move into our new classrooms so I'm not sure what my schedule will be tomorrow. Good luck everyone!!!
P.S. To whomever was worried that the check in was only for those doing the rotation as is...I say the more the merrier and I will definitely be doing some substitutions and modifying to fit my schedule which means I may have to take extra rest days when it comes to teacher open house and such beginning of the year activities.:7 :p
I'm in! I will start with Bodymax tomorrow. A check in sounds great. I am not a runner either so suggestions are always welcomed!

Here's to August and another workout challenge!

Angela: I've done walking lunges outside. When I first did it, I felt weird, but a week later one of my neighbors greeted me by saying "Hi, muscle woman!" and spoke very enthusiastically about how she saw me do them. So, you'll probably get more people interested and impressed than those that will think you are strange. And generally, the ones that think I'm strange probably came to that conclusion based on other things besides walking lunges!:p
I want to do this but I don't have all these DVDs. I wonder how I could even modify. I don't think I have nearly enough to make it the same. Ugh.

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

Tell us what you have, including workouts by other instructors, so we can help you out. I'll bet you can do it with modifications. Just adding Cathe's extra jumping jacks and lunges to your regularly planned workouts will be a kick in the you know what!!!
I hear ya Buttercup. I KNOW I shouldn't worry about what other people think. AND, today it is only going to be in the low 80's so it would be doable outside. I could circle around from my workout room to kitchen to living room but I'm thinking a longer straight shot like outside would be better and probably more effective.

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