So what makes CTX so good?


hi all - based on so many good recommendations on this forum, I bought the CTX dvd and can't wait to start. My question is this - I noticed on the ultimate guide to cathe's workouts posted by Dutchgirl (thanks a bunch, Dutchgirl) that most of these CTX workouts got an intermediate rating for intensity - with the exception of leaner legs, that is. So, if not for intensity, or difficulty, what makes these workouts so effective? I want to make sure I get the most out of them!! Thanks for all your comments and suggestions so far!

I like the series for it's versatility to mix and match and make long or short work outs, etc.

IMO Upper Body Split is a tough upper body work out!

And I love Leaner Legs!


Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]
I think the reason why most of these got an intermediate rating for intensity was because the cardio is only 30 min in length. But, there aren't many short cardio workouts out there that burn as many calories as these workouts do. And Wendy's right, the Upper Body workout is killer if done in it's entirety. And Leaner Legs isn't called Meaner Legs because it's easy!
My recommendation is to take the "ultimate guide" with a huge pinch of salt.

I found the ratings to be significantly skewed. None of Cathe's workouts are "intermediate". The CTX cardios are intense and they get the heart rate up very quickly. They are advanced.

Once you get the DVD you'll know right away. The chaptering is pretty good. I like that it's easy to go to the upper body and ABS sections easily. Plus on days when you want a bit of cardio before or after weights these cardios are awesome. It's like going for a quick 2 mile run. I have 45 minute cardios on video that don't match up to these 20 minute Cathe workouts. Wait till you try Power Circuit. My fave is Step and Intervals.
There are higher intensity segments in many of the cardio routines in CTX that you can sling together, or sling onto the tail end of another cardio routine as produced, that can significantly boost the overall energy expenditure of the workout. Couple of examples: the interval segment of "Step & Intervals" and the hi/lo segment of "10-10-10". I too love "Power Circuit" - the step and step-kickbox segments each include a mid-range cycle for about a minute AND a minute-long power blast before each resistance cycle.

Another thing that made CTX so good as a whole when it was first produced was that it took the guesswork out of weekly workout programming for those interested in a complete program of cardio and strength. All you had to do was one of these workouts as produced each day with one day off for rest, and you've hit all the majors. The chaptering of segments was, and is, an added bonus for this series, as are the Upper Body Split and All Abs premixes.

Ah, now I see... thanks, can't wait to try them. How do you all know how many calories you burn during a workout - do you have a gadget or just estimate based on some formula?

I do not give CTX an intermediate rating! I give them all an advanced rating -- I use an 8 in step.

Intermediate to me are Cathe's Basic Step and Body Fusion.

CTX is one of my all-time workout series because you get a lot done in a little time.

To me, Power Circuit and All Step are killer, but fun!

But I think I'm a fitness wuss -- after reading some of the posts here.......
I've never used CTX as is -- cardio and one body part per day; LL at the end of the week. I bought CTX for the UB split and LL. I string together cardio workouts in CTX to have a whole hour of cardio. You can also string together ab segments if you want to fatigue your abs. Done this way, CTX becomes far from intermediate.

>But I think I'm a fitness wuss -- after reading some of the
>posts here.......

LOL! I hear ya on that one! Some of these ladies' work outs are unbelievabley *awesome*, huh!?...Who knows...maybe some day we will get to that never know!!!:)

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]

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